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Immigration Consultants in Bangalore

Sandpiper Visas
Immigration Consultants in Bangalore

Sandpiper Visas is your one stop solution for all your immigration related queries.

We are a team of professional immigration consultants in Bangalore who handle all aspects of Visa process to countries such as Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Europe, UK, USA, UAE and many others.

We come with an in-depth knowledge of the Visa application procedures and a rich experience of helping people settle down abroad. We believe in conducting detailed assessments of our candidates before beginning the process of Visa application. 

Sandpiper Visas Has Recently Been Awarded As India's Most Trusted Brand For The Year 2022 & Business Excellence Award 2022 For Customer Service And Immigration Consulting.

Types of visas :

1.     PR Visa

2.     Visitor Visa

3.     Dependent Visa

4.     Student Visa

5.     Business Visa

6.     Work visa

Sandpiper is the name of trust in the immigration consultation niche. We ensure to incorporate quality with validity in our every service. Book a session today and have your application assessed for free!

Sandpiper Visas Is The One Stop Solution For All Your Immigration Needs.

We handle all aspects of Visa process to countries such as Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Europe, UK, USA, UAE and many others.

Address : No 2, 2nd Floor, Lakshmaiah Block, Ganganagar, Hebbal, Airport Road, Bengaluru 560024


Visit : https://www.sandpipervisas.com/

Sandpiper Visas
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