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Converting currencies with Fixer: Use Fixer's currency converter on your website.

Fixer API
Converting currencies with Fixer: Use Fixer's currency converter on your website.

Converting currencies with Fixer: Use Fixer's currency converter on your website.

Customers must receive the most recent currency data available to them because the number of currencies is constantly expanding (more have been added since last week, and more will be added next month). The API aims to assist users in achieving this by regularly delivering up-to-date currency data. Website owners and developers can easily access currency conversion functionality and improve the user experience for their audiences by loading the API as a plugin.

Consider yourself a developer who is creating software that will be used by people all over the world. You must give your users the option to select their native currency & so they can see their invoices in their local currency.

Currency conversion API is a common practice for many businesses, especially online ones. Currency conversion helps them avoid spending extra funds on the foreign exchange rate by projecting their revenue in the base currency.

If you're looking to make a currency conversion on your website, Fixer API is a good way to go. Being an international company, we know what it takes to deliver reliable exchange rate data. Our team of developers is always improving upon the API and adding new features to meet the diverse needs of different types of clients. You can start using our API free with a limit of 100 requests a day. Take it for a spin now!

All you have to do will be add the following code to your HTML template or within custom code on your site. Please note that the code below will work for both the Single Currency and Multiple Currencies plugins - depending on the plugin(s) you are using.


The Fixer API is a good way to use as best free currency converter API on your website. It is a reliable, trusted, and free-to-use API that provides exchange rate data to improve your customers' experience. If you're looking to build your currency converter or looking for an alternative, the Fixer API is worth a look.

Fixer API
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