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Meditech Implementation

John Gill
Meditech Implementation

Our MEDITECH READY-CERTIFIED consultants help maximize your MEDITECH EHR investment, mitigate operational risks, enhance patient care, and transform your organization.


MAGIC C/S 6.0 6.1 Expanse/MaaS

HCTI’s in-depth, hands-on experience helps clients plan and implement MEDITECH in&out patient, long-term care, home health, ambulatory & financial systems

Healthcare Triangle Provides End-to-End MEDITECH Services

· Consulting

Our highly qualified team of MEDITECH READY-Certified consultants help our clients achieve great success with their MEDITECH implementation and optimization efforts across all platforms.

· Implementation

Our experienced consultants comprehend the intricate nature of MEDITECH planning, implementation, optimization, and legacy support.

· Migration

A well-planned MEDITECH implementation avoids the most common mistakes and pitfalls, offering significant performance improvement benefits to any organization — operational & financial.

· Optimization

Our MEDITECH optimization services deliver hands-on consulting to push system adoption, improve clinical workflows and boost ROI for your EHR software resulting in a better clinician and patient experience.

· Hosting

Healthcare Triangle in partnership with CareTech Solutions (HTC Global Services Inc.,) brings your organization end-to-end hosting and Disaster Recovery. 

· Resourcing Services

We’ll provide experienced Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) and project management staff capable of maintaining project progress, regardless of internal resource setbacks.

Why HCTI MEDITECH Consulting?

  • 20+ Years of MEDITECH Implementation Experience
  • Proven Customized Plans Based on Organization’s Needs
  • Readiness Assessment & Strong Governance Strategy
  • Experienced Magic, C/S, 6.0, 6.1, and Expanse SMEs & Implementation Specialists

Unleash the Power of MEDITECH With HCTI

Talk to Our Expert : https://www.healthcaretriangle.com/meditech-ehr-consulting-and-services/

John Gill
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