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How Does Dermapen Micro-Needling Work? | UPDATED!

How Does Dermapen Micro-Needling Work? | UPDATED!

Dermapen micro-needling uses a small dermatology treatment device, for a micro-needling procedure that has the capability to effectively address skin problems such as aging, fine lines, stretch marks, and acne scars. The dermapen derives its name from the word dermatology and a pen, which it resembles in appearance. The dermapen micro-needling treatment is able to achieve skin that is tighter, brighter, and refreshed.


How Does Dermapen Micro-Needling Work?


Like traditional Chinese acupuncture therapy, dermapen micro-needling works by puncturing the top layer of skin to promote healing. Unlike acupuncture, the aim of micro-needling is to improve the appearance of the skin, rather than reduce any pain. A dermapen consists of 12 needles that are used to pierce the skin. The pen is held vertically over the skin and once the pen is in the right position, a small motor will be turned on inside the pen which causes the needles to penetrate the skin by moving back and forth rapidly.


Skin Rejuvenation


It is important that the pen pierces the skin as this is what triggers skin rejuvenation. When an individual cuts or hurts themselves, the skin will repair itself by generating collagen and elastin, which stimulates growth. Applying this same principle to dermapen micro-needling, the skin will increase elastin and collagen production to treat the pierced skin. To a certain extent, micro-needling tricks the skin into healing itself, leaving the skin refreshed and rejuvenated.


Dermapen Micro-Beedling Able to Treat


Dermapen micro-needling is most commonly used on the face to reduce fine lines and wrinkles but can also be used to treat common skin problems such as stretch marks and scars on different areas of the body. Let's take a look at some of the possible reasons to get a dermapen treatment.


Appearance of a Scar


After the skin heals a wound and forms a scar, the body acts as though the area has been returned to normal. Dermapen micro-needling can puncture the scar tissue and stimulate the skin to replace the damaged skin with new, unscarred skin.


Appearance of Stretch Marks


Like scarring, the body does not treat stretch marks as something that needs to be healed. Dermapen micro-needling over stretch marks can initiate healing and promote the growth of new skin.

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