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O2 concentrator

O2 concentrator

O2 concentrator

O2n  concentrator through membrane filtration of nitrogen molecules in the air to produce o2-enriched air, has the advantages of small size and low power consumption, but the generated o2 concentration is low, which can play a good role in health care.https://varoninc.com/

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What is COPD?

COPD is a common lung disease that mainly occurs in middle-aged or elderly people. It is actually a general term used for various progressive lung diseases, including chronic bronchitis, emphysema, bronchiectasis and chronic airway obstruction. The common feature of these diseases is irreversible airflow limitation. Patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease will experience symptoms such as persistent cough, shortness of breath, wheezing, recurrent chest infections, and chest tightness. In the later stages of the disease, these symptoms can also affect the quality of life, mood and life expectancy.

How to diagnose COPD as early as possible?

Patients with COPD often have no obvious discomfort at the beginning of the onset. Many patients often seek medical help only when they have severe breathing difficulties but by this time the disease has progressed to a more serious level. To prevent this from happening, you can self-check the frequency of coughing, whether there is sputum in your throat, whether you sometimes feel chest tightness and shortness of breath, whether you often smoke. Consult a doctor in time and perform a lung function test, which helps in the early diagnosis of COPD and early treatment.

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