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O2 concentrator

O2 concentrator

O2 concentrator

O2n  concentrator through membrane filtration of nitrogen molecules in the air to produce o2-enriched air, has the advantages of small size and low power consumption, but the generated o2 concentration is low, which can play a good role in health care.https://varoninc.com/

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The aging of the human system will also directly reduce the reduction of oxygen intake in the elderly, reduce the ability to transport oxygen, and reduce the efficiency of using oxygen, so that the whole body tissue is in a state of chronic hypoxia with different degrees.


  1. Hypoxia in the brain

Human tissue hypoxia will appear functional damage, such as brain hypoxia is light, dizziness, tinnitus, heavy, brain cell necrosis, loss of consciousness and so on.


  1. Heart hypoxia

Most cardiac diseases can cause myocardial ischemia and hypoxia. Heart palpitations, discomfort in the anterior heart area, sometimes the anterior heart area pain or radiation pain, in severe cases can lead to shock.


  1. Muscle hypoxia

Muscle hypoxia usually occurs after strenuous exercise. Exercise exceeds the intensity of aerobic exercise, and oxygen can not keep up with the supply, forming an anaerobic metabolism, resulting in a large accumulation of excessive product lactic acid in the body. Muscle appear stiff, sour pain, serious but also will be muscle spasm.


The human body is a complex and sophisticated chemical factory that allows the oxygen taken into the body to be metabolized. At this time, the waste is excreted. If this waste stops in the body, it means oxygen is insufficient. Therefore, in order to maintain health, attention must be paid to the balance of oxygen demand and supply. Add an oxygen bar to the body!

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