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A Beginner Guide To SEO! Why SEO is Important?

A Beginner Guide To SEO! Why SEO is Important?

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of improving the visibility and ranking of a website or web page in search engine results pages (SERPs). SEO involves optimizing a website or web page for specific keywords or phrases so that it appears higher in the search results for those keywords.

Several techniques can be used to improve a website's or web page's ranking in the search results. These include optimizing the website or web page's title and meta tags, making sure the website or web page's content is relevant and keyword-rich, and building links to the website or web page from other websites.

SEO can be a complex and time-consuming process, but if you learn it from the digital marketing institute in Janakpuri Delhi. then you will feel a difference and it can be very effective in improving a website's or web page's visibility and ranking. When done correctly, SEO can help a website or web page attract more visitors from search engines, which can lead to more traffic and more business.

Types of Search Engine Optimization

Several different types of SEO can be employed, each with its advantages and disadvantages.

1. On-page Optimization

On-page optimization is the process to improve the content and structure of a website to make it more visible to search engines. It mainly includes a few main factors to optimize such as -

Page Title: The page title is one of the most important elements of SEO. It tells search engines what the page is about, and it appears in the search engine results pages (SERPs). A good page title is relevant to the page content, and it includes the main keywords for the page.

Meta Description: A meta description is a short piece of text that appears beneath a website's URL on search engine results pages (SERPs). It gives searchers valuable information about what the site is about and whether it's relevant to their query.

Slug: A slug is a short, unique, descriptive name for a page or post that is easy to read and remember. It is the part of the URL that comes after the domain name.

Alt Attributes: An ALT attribute is an HTML code that allows you to provide alternative text for an image on your website. The ALT attribute is important for SEO purposes because it allows Google and other search engines to index your images and understand what they are about.

Hyperlink: A hyperlink is a link from one web page to another. Hyperlinks are used in HTML to create links to other pages. When a user clicks on a hyperlink, they are taken to the linked page.

Keyword Density: keyword density is the number of times a keyword or phrase appears on a web page, divided by the total number of words on the page. Keyword density is often used to determine whether a web page is relevant to a given search query.

2. Off-page Optimization

Off-Page SEO is the process of optimizing a website for higher search engine rankings by building links from other websites. It is a process of promotion and building relationships with other websites and webmasters to get them to link to your site. SEO is not an easy task perhaps it is a waste to spend money without the guidance of experts, if you want to master SEO I suggest you check the best Digital Marketing Course in Janakpuri, Delhi.

Link Building: Link building is the process of acquiring links from other websites to your own. This is done to improve your website's search engine ranking and visibility. Several different techniques can be used to build links, such as guest blogging, directory submission, and social media engagement.

Influencer Outreach: It is the process of connecting with influential people in your industry to build relationships and promote your brand. This can be done through a variety of methods, such as social media, blogs, forums, and events.

Content Marketing: Content marketing in off-page SEO is the process of creating and distributing high-quality content to attract and engage your target audience. The goal is to drive profitable customer action by creating and sharing valuable content.


It's extremely important to optimize your website if you are promoting your business through it because even if you are ranking on the second page in SERP (Search engine result page), the company on the first page will take all the traffic or sales.

There is a popular Gig about it " If you want to hide a dead body, hide it on the second page of SERP ''because just a fraction of people go to the second page. So make sure to optimize your website both with On-page and Off-page Factors. I hope you enjoy reading this blog and learning something new.

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