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Top 10 Best Modern living room windows

Top 10 Best Modern living room windows

Top 10 Best Modern living room windows

1. Slider Window

Slider windows can be used to gain access to the balcony.By using a slider window, people can enjoy an unobstructed view and enjoy adequate ventilation in their rooms.

2. Picture Window

The window with the picture could have a complete view of your outside, but there are no air vents because they aren't open.

3. Bay Window

The bay window is similar to that of the picture windows. 

4. Farmhouse Window Design

The Farmhouse window is the most popular house design. This style will take up the entire width of the living room wall.

5. Arched Windows

Arch windows are generally ideal for balconies, bedrooms, and other areas within the building. 

6. Jalousie Windows

Jalousie window is an original window style that breaks into various slats made of glass or metal. 

7. Skylights

Skylight windows can alter the atmosphere of a room. It's not just letting in more light but also providing a more spacious feel to the room.

8. Casement Window

A casement window is a different kind of window that can be opened outward or inward and remains permanently attached to the frame.

9. The Window Style in Small Space Living Room

With the assistance of a skilled architect, you can design an ideal location for the window to let enough light into your home.

10. Ende - Window for Vent

End-vent windows and slider windows have a slimmer profile which means they can let a decent quantity of light into the space.

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