Teeth and gums play an important role in your overall health. They help you chew food, which allows you to digest it and absorb the nutrients it contains. Even small problems with your teeth or gums can become major issues as you get older. The constant exposure to harmful toxins in today’s world has taken its toll on our oral health, leaving us more prone to dental issues as we age. Fortunately, there are ways we can protect our teeth and gums from the damage that acidity does. Here are 7 tips you can use to help keep your mouth healthy:
Photo by Diana Polekhina on Unsplash
Keep Up With Dental Checkups
Dental checkups are an important way to prevent serious, long-term issues with your teeth and gums. You should have your teeth and gums examined at least twice a year by a qualified dentist. You can visit the dentist regularly, or you can have a dental checkup done by a professional who specializes in oral health. Your dentist will examine your mouth and look for any signs of disease or damage caused by acidic foods and drinks. If you have a buildup of plaque in your mouth, your dentist can remove it to reduce the risk of developing dental diseases. He or she may also take x- rays to evaluate the health of your teeth, gums and jawbone. This is important because it allows your dentist to identify any problems, like cavities or gum disease.
See how you can support the good health of your gums and teeth by chewing! (click here)
Brush Your Teeth Twice A Day
There is no need to wait until the last minute before brushing your teeth. Even if you are in a rush, you can brush your teeth for two minutes. Brushing your teeth twice a day may seem like an excessive amount of time, but it’s better than brushing for just 10 seconds. Your teeth contain bacteria that can cause dental plaque, gums and tooth decay if you don’t brush them properly. Plaque is the substance that forms on your teeth when they are not brushed, which can lead to gum disease, tooth decay and tooth loss. To remove plaque, brush gently but consistently along the sides and backs of your teeth. Rotate your brush every few strokes so that your brush doesn’t just move the plaque to another section of your teeth. Brush your tongue, too. You don’t need to brush your tongue, toothbrush bristles or fingers, but you should make the effort to brush your tongue.
Eat A Balanced Diet
Our diets have an impact on our oral health. If we don’t keep up with regular dental checkups and take care of our teeth and gums with a balanced diet, we are more likely to develop serious dental issues as we get older. If you don’t take care of your teeth with a balanced diet, you are more likely to consume excess sugar and salt, which can damage your teeth. You should also limit the number of acidic foods and beverages you consume, as well. You should keep a journal of what you eat for a few days and then cross-reference the journal with your dental checkups. You may be surprised at how many things you can add to your diet to improve your oral health. Some examples include:
Stay Hydrated
Water is essential for proper oral health. You should drink water regularly to keep your mouth hydrated. This prevents your mouth from becoming too dry, which can cause cracks in your teeth and gums. You should also drink water when you eat to prevent swallowing excess food, which can damage your teeth. Avoid drinks with sugar and salts, and limit the amount of alcohol you consume.
Don’t Smoke
Smoking hurts your oral health. Smoking damages your gums and teeth and may increase the risk of periodontal disease, the most common disease of the mouth. Smoking can also cause dry mouth, which can lead to damage to your teeth and gums. If you smoke, you should be sure to keep hydrated and brush your teeth regularly. You can also drink water while you brush your teeth to keep your mouth hydrated while you brush. You should also avoid drinking too many sweet or high-acid drinks.
Protect Your Gums From Harmful Things
Some foods and drinks can harm your gums. When you eat or drink acidic things, you may experience a burning sensation in your mouth. This is a sign that you are consuming too much acid. As you get older, it is important to protect your gums from the damage that is caused by things like smoking, alcohol, coffee and diet drinks. Some tips you can use to protect your gums from harmful things include: - Keep your mouth and gums hydrated. This will prevent them from being too dry, which can lead to cavities and gum disease. - Brush your teeth and tongue regularly to prevent plaque build-up. - Limit the number of things that are too acidic, such as coffee, diet drinks, lemonade and orange juice, and alcohol. This will help protect your teeth and gums from damage. - Avoid foods with high levels of sugar such as candy and desserts, as they can damage your gums. This can also be done by cutting the portion you eat, or rinsing your mouth with water after you eat. - Visit the dentist regularly to have cavities or gum disease treated. This will help protect your gums from damage.
Your oral health is important, so you should protect it with these tips. Dental checkups are an important way to prevent serious, long-term issues with your teeth and gums. You should brush your teeth twice a day and limit the number of things that are too acidic, like coffee, diet drinks, lemonade, orange juice and alcohol. You should also keep your mouth and gums hydrated with water. You could also improve the good health of your gums and teeth by using ProDentim.