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Learn Judo Techniques On Howtograpple.com

Learn Judo Techniques On Howtograpple.com

Developed in the late 1800s by Kano Jigoro in Japan, Judo has evolved into an effective combat martial art and Olympic sport. While many martial arts at the time were focused on striking, katas, and weapons, Judo emphasized throwing techniques and ground techniques such as pins, chokes, and joint locks. It also served as the base for the now popular Brazilian Jiu jitsu, the biggest contrast between the two being the area of focus – Judo focuses on throws, while Jiu jitsu emphasizes ground techniques. There are also elements of Judo in other grappling arts such as Krav Maga, Sambo, and Shoot Wrestling.

Judo is generally broken into Nage-waza (throwing techniques) and Katame-waza (ground techniques). Their Judo Throwing techniques are further broken down by standing and sacrifice throws, the later being when the thrower sacrifices his own balance to complete the throw. Judo Grappling Techniques are identified by pins, strangulation, and joint lock techniques. Although there are striking techniques in Judo referred to as Atemi-waza, it’s not what Judo is best known for.

Today Jiu jitsu is enjoyed by much of the world and was introduced as a Judo sport in 1964. It’s also used effectively in combat sports and mixed martial arts. While the best training will always be found in a gym with certified Judoka instructors, many practitioners refer to videos to pick up the latest techniques or look for additional details on techniques they’re focused on. There are great paid for instructionals but there’s also a wealth of great instructionals that are free on sites like Youtube. How to Grapple takes the best Judo videos from Youtube and organizes them for viewers by technique. How to grapple has the latest, the best, free Judo instructionals on the internet. Learn Judo and all the grappling arts at https://howtograpple.com/techniques/Judo-throws-159/all.

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