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5 Reason You Must Know on Why to Moisturize Your Skin and Face

Aradhana Kapoor
5 Reason You Must Know on Why to Moisturize Your Skin and Face

In addition to everything else you must do every morning moisturizing your skin may be a burden and why bother? It turns out that moisturizing isn't just a good feeling it helps keep your skin clean smooth and wrinkle-free for the foreseeable future. If you're still not convinced, check out the top 5 reasons why you must moisturize your face.

Best 5 Reason to Moisturize Your Face and Skin

Moisturizing can reduce the risk of skin issues.

Making sure you use the correct face moisturizer for your skin will assist in maintaining the balance of your skin. If your skin is dry or oily, frequent skin problems, such as acne can begin to surface. As per dermatologist Dr. Ted Lain, in the event that your skin is oily, it is recommended to look for lotions , not creams and also look for one that contains exfoliants. If your skin is known to dry, search for a cream, as they are likely to have more oil in them.

Moisturizing may reduce the appearance of other skin imperfections.

Skin that is moisturized has an attractive sheen that will even out visible blemishes. Certain moisturizers come with a self-tanner or tint that can match every skin color.

Moisturizing helps your skin stay young.

The most sensitive parts that you have on your body - your neck, face, ear and chest - repair their own skin cells more frequently than any other part of your skin. The daily loss of cells in your skin leaves these areas susceptible to dryness and elements. In fact, they are the most prone locations of skin cancer. Moisturizing is a great way to provide your sensitive skin with the energy it needs to heal itself and remain healthy.

Moisturizing combats wrinkles.

That firm, plump feeling on your face following moisturizing isn't a figment of your imagination. As per The British Journal of Dermatology the people who have well-hydrated skin develop wrinkles at one-third the rate of people who have dry skin.

The perfect way to end to an energizing shower.

We all know that taking a hot shower is relaxing and rejuvenating, but it is a great way to strip the moisture from your skin. Just a few minutes to apply some moisturizer will ensure your skin isn't just cleansed, but also protected from the stress of the day, and also feeling amazing.

Be sure to select the right moisturizer on your face. Burke Williams has moisturizing products suitable for all types of skin type, from oily to dry. You already own a favourite moisturizer but want to take it to a higher stage, you can add some drops of the H2V Moisturize Enhance serum. It boosts your moisturizer by adding Hyaluronic Acid, as well as Humectants in order to offer you the most hydrating experience.

Aradhana Kapoor
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