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How To Get Started With Wedding Catering

How To Get Started With Wedding Catering

Weddings are a big deal and it’s not just the bride and groom who have to be catered for, there is also the whole family. The best way to cater for all of them is by hiring a wedding catering company. They will take care of everything from the food and drinks to the table decorations and even the entertainment .

If you want to get started with wedding catering then read on as we give you some tips on how to choose the right one for your needs.

1. What Type of Food Do You Want?

The first thing that you need to decide when choosing a wedding catering service is what type of food do you want? There are three main types of catering: buffet style, sit down dinner and plated meals. Buffet style means that everyone gets their own plate or bowl and can help themselves to whatever they like. Sit down dinners mean that guests have to order their meal at the start of the evening and then wait until they are served before eating. Plated meals are where the chef creates individual dishes for each guest and serves them in courses. This is usually done in restaurants but can also be done at home if you hire a professional kitchen.

2. How Many People Will Be Involved?

The next thing that you need to think about is how many people will be involved in your event. If you only have yourself and your partner then you don’t really need a full-time catering team. However, if you are having lots of guests then you may need more than one person to look after things. It is important to remember that you should always book enough staff so that no one has to wait too long for their food.

3. Where Should Your Event Take Place?

The final thing that you need to consider is where your event will take place. Some venues offer catering services while others charge extra for this. For example, most hotels will provide you with a set menu which includes starter, main course and dessert. However, if you go somewhere else such as a restaurant or pub then you will need to pay an additional fee for the food.

4. Budget Considerations

When looking for a wedding catering service it is important to keep your budget in mind. Make sure that you know exactly how much money you have available for the wedding and make sure that you stick within that amount. Remember that you won’t have any leftover funds once the day is over!

5. Who Are You Hiring?

When you are thinking about hiring a wedding catering service it’s important to find out who you are going to be working with. A good catering service will work closely with you and your venue to ensure that everything runs smoothly. They will also be able to suggest ideas and menus that suit your tastes and preferences.

6. Ask Questions

It is important to ask plenty of questions before signing anything. Find out what kind of experience they have had with weddings and whether they have worked with other couples. Also, find out how much they charge per hour and how often they come to your venue.

7. Check References

It is very important to check references from previous clients. Don’t just accept the first company that you speak to – do your research and find out what other people thought of them.

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