AI Products 

New Zealand Institute of Education

New Zealand Institute of Education
New Zealand Institute of Education

NZIE’s professional courses are designed for busy people who want to add to their digital marketing skill set. Once you’ve completed our SEO Course, you’ll graduate with an extensive 12-month implementation strategy that you can use straight away.


You will learn how to plan and create a SEO strategy for either your current or future employer, client, or your very own business from holistic SEO Audit to Optimisation Plan. 


SEO Course is delivered online in the evenings to better fit around your life. It is value-packed with live classes and tutorial-style videos that are easy to follow and learn from.

New Zealand Institute of Education
Zupyak is the world’s largest content marketing community, with over 400 000 members and 3 million articles. Explore and get your content discovered.
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