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Agriculture Soil Testing Lab in Madurai

Sastha Soil Testing
Agriculture Soil Testing Lab in Madurai

Established in the year 2002, Sastha Soil Testing Services is one of the trusted businesses in our organization engaged in rendering Construction and soil testing-related services. The services are appreciated for their reliability and effectiveness by clients across the nation.

We are headed by our mentor, Mr. Krishnan Sethu Raman, who has much industry experience of many years and possesses a rich business intellect. With his supervision, we are undertaking projects. We have our presence in Madurai, Chennai, Andhra, Karnataka, Kerala, and the Maldives. Our organization has recruited a team of immensely talented professionals that extensive experience in this domain. In order to offer interior designing solutions, the experts make the best use of their creative skills. They make sure that the services are tailor-made to suit the requirements of the clients.

Our Quality Policy in Sastha Soil Testing

We are “SASTHA SOIL TESTING SERVICES” committed to providing precise, reliable, timely, and impartial analytical services to our customers. In order to ensure high quality in our testing services, the management has resolved to introduce a management system that complies with the IS/ISO/IEC17025-2017 standard and to continuously improve the effectiveness of the management system. Tests are carried out in accordance with standard test methods and customer requirements. Complying with all statutory and regulatory requirements related to the Analysis of the following Testing activities.

Our Services

  1. Geo Physical Test
  2. Agriculture Soil Test
  3. Earth Resistivity Test
  4. Plate Load Test
  5. Concrete Test

For More Details: 93441 04870

Sastha Soil Testing
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