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How Java Facilitates Enterprise-Grade Web Development

Alice Gray
How Java Facilitates Enterprise-Grade Web Development

Recently, the creation of web apps has increased with major enrichments in technology and security. In short, web apps are application programs that run in a web browser. Users can access web apps from any location and device connected to the Internet or Intranet. It’s also beneficial for enterprises because users no longer need to install the application or software program on each on-site machine, which consecutively makes the web apps easier to maintain. Though there are various programming languages available, Java is one such technology that accentuates organizations and developers across the world for web application development.

Role of Java in Web App Development

Java is an open-source, universally used programming language for website development, especially on the backend. Also, Java offers some technologies like Servlet, JSF, and JSP that simplify the developers’ efforts and enable an efficient way to build web applications, where users can interact with the interface. In simple, Java-built web apps work like distributed applications. With this type of application, business processes can be organized from any geographical location.

There are several methods through which enterprises can construct dynamic web apps with Java. Java’s community-driven Enterprise Edition (Java EE) software provides various app enhancements releases for developers to improve web applications’ portability and productivity. Besides, developers can build web apps in Java without using any other scripting language. Businesses can choose to Java outsourcing company projects to the right service providers and develop responsive web applications.

Why Java for Web App Development

There are various reasons why businesses prefer to use Java for web application development. With the recent version of Java 18, every organization is now probing how they can profit from the technology in effective ways.

1.      Easy to use - Java is considered to be a developer-friendly programming language. With its easy-to-learn and use syntax, both novice and experienced developers can use Java for delivering web applications with greater user experience.

2.      Platform Independence – One of the foremost reasons to use Java for web app development is its platform-independence functionality. Developers can easily compile the Java bytecode on various platforms like macOS, Windows, and Linux.

3.      Multithreading – This is one of the important features of Java. Multithreading allows developers to improve a web application’s availability and performance. Besides, Multithreading execution ensures that web apps remain usable and effective even in a low-specifications environment, such as no GPU, slow CPU, or low memory.

Web App Technologies Provided By Java Community

JavaServer Faces

JavaServer Faces (JSF) is a UI framework designed to create web interfaces. JSF allows software development experts to build modules using different markup languages easily. The User Interface components get automatically linked with the data sources and server-side event handlers. Moreover, the existing UI components can be reused and extended during the creation of new interfaces. On the whole, the JSF framework helps in faster web application development by eliminating the need to develop new User Interface elements from scratch.

Javax.Servlet API

Javax.Servlet API is a protocol-independent package that consists of various interfaces like filters, filterchain, servletconfig, etc. Servlet API improves the capability of servers that are used to host applications. The web apps that are developed using Javax. Servlet API leverages the request-response approach, an interactive method in which computers synchronously communicate with each other. Besides synchronization, Servlet API helps in many other processes like collecting input through web page forms, offering data from a database, third-party source, etc.

Web apps that run on Java programming transfer the request made from users to the databases or servers. The Servlet API helps with the user’s request processing and provides information after interacting with the database.

JavaServer Pages       


The JavaServer Pages (JSP) is a backend technology used by developers to develop web content rapidly. Rather than using Common Gateway Interface (CGI) for implanting dynamic components in HTML pages, developers can use JSP technology, which also provides access to the complete Java API ecosystem.

Developers from the right java software development company can easily accomplish web app development by using JSP tags, which helps in the inclusion of Java programs in HTML pages. A JSP tag contains static data and technology elements, which leads to the dynamic navigation of web content. Experts can also include extracts of Servlet code directly within a text-based document with the help of JSP technology. JSP is one of the significant technologies offered by Java EE community software, which helps developers to develop complex web applications rapidly.


Java Persistence API uses an object-relational methodology to connect an object-oriented model to the database. This technology helps in the easy organization of relational data in Java-built web applications. It helps in constantly storing and recovering a large volume of information in or from the database. Developers don’t have to use separate frameworks and compile lots of code for app communication with the database. Java Persistence API with its better tenacity offers multiple database support and enables seamless app communication with the database through an object-relational approach.

Wrapping Up

Many enterprises continue to use Java programming technology for web app development. While it does come with certain disadvantages, its advantages far outweigh web app development complexities. There’s a reason why it remains to be graded as one of the best programming languages each year by the tech community. It’s one of the highly implemented languages in the web development domain because of its security, sustainability, platform independence, and many other factors.

Alice Gray
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