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Why Organizations Should Consider Angular for Web App Development

Alice Gray
Why Organizations Should Consider Angular for Web App Development

Entrepreneurs and organizations are continually looking for ways to advance their services. With the advent of technologies, web application development is now a worthwhile option for enterprises to expand their reach. Web applications can deliver valuable services that will be available to users 24/7 regardless of location. This means that organizations can provide all the benefits of their product or service to end-users without maintaining physical outlets in other cities, states, or even countries.

Though there are several frameworks available, Angular ranked as one of the ideal frameworks used for web app development in 2022. This framework is actively transforming the domain of web app development, and Angular’s performance has surpassed other frameworks that have been used before.

Understanding Angular

Angular is a TypeScript-based open-source framework built by the Google community. This framework is primarily intended for developing single-page applications. Since Angular has a standard architecture, developers can create complex web applications in a fast and maintainable way. Angular framework in general boosts web apps’ efficiency and performance by offering cross-platform support so that developers don’t have to keep rewriting code from scratch for different platforms. In addition, Angular offers developers a host of additional features that can be included in web apps without requiring extra effort. Experts from the right AngularJS development services provider can help organizations build versatile and reliable web apps that run on multiple platforms.

Web App Development Tools Used in Angular

  • CSS & HTML (Designing) - HTML and CSS are design tools used to create interactive user interfaces with crucial functionalities that come with web page rendering.

  • Node Package Manager - NPM is a significant package manager tool used by developers in an Angular project. Modules and Angular CLI used by Angular applications are wrapped as npm packages and distributed using the npm registry. This tool supports code manageability and allows users to install the pre-coded packages from the registry at any moment.

  • Angular CLI - It is commonly known as a Command-Line Interface tool that developers use to create, modify, maintain, and include widgets within Angular applications directly from a command shell. Furthermore, CLI helps developers by automatically offering code suggestions during web app development, ensuring developers follow the best practices mentioned by Angular’s home page.

  • TypeScript- As said before, Angular is popularly known as a TypeScript language. Hence, every developer must be well-versed in the TypeScript tools. In simple, TypeScript is a key prerequisite for Angular-based web app development.

Why Angular-Based Web App Development

Create Engaging User Interfaces

The Angular framework provides per-built templates created using HTML. It is a declarative language commonly used because of its inherent user-friendliness and scalability. These templates include Angular-centric elements and attributes such as filters, form controls, and directives like ng-model, ng-repeat, ng-app, and others.

Using HTML templates, designers can concentrate on forming dynamic UI and developers can utilize declarative binding syntax to integrate numerous UI elements with data models. In addition, developers can make web app changes in a comprehensible way.

Bi-Directional Data Binding

Angular enables a fast synchronization between the model and the view set. If any data gets modified in the model, it automatically gets updated in the view. When alterations are made to the view data, the model becomes revised accordingly. With this bi-directional binding approach, web apps will significantly simplify their data presentation layer.

SPA Development

The main objective for developing Single-Page Applications is for faster website transition. The web page will look and function like a native app. A website will interact with the web browser by rewriting an active web page with new webserver data, rather than the browser’s usual method of loading completely separate pages. This is called SPA (Single Page Application). Angular is optimum for the development of Single Page Applications. When a developer builds a SPA using Angular, the page runs on all standard platforms, loads rapidly, offers an incredible user experience, and is easier to maintain. Also, enterprises can build complex Single Page Applications by hiring experts from an experienced AngularJS development company.

Seamless App Management

In general, web developers need to break up the code into three varied components known as Model, View, and Control (MVC). After that, they manually merge the code of those components. Whereas, Angular framework allows developers to save time significantly since it automatically combines the code components together.

The Model component records and manages the application data. The View component displays all data or certain areas of the data to the end-users. While the Control holds the connection between the Model and the View components. Angular’s MVC architecture pattern makes it easier for developers to handle the application’s User Interface phase and its database easily.


Using Angular, developers can effectively test a web app. This framework facilitates both end-to-end testing and unit testing. Built-in testing features offered by Angular, like dependency injection, control how the components of the web app are rendered. These testing features can easily resolve dependencies and make it easier for developers to speed up development.

Summing Up

With a pack of advantages to experience from this framework, Angular is in huge demand among enterprises across the world. Be it web or mobile apps for enterprises or start-ups, developers in the industry choose Angular for the rapid delivery of applications. Organizations can hire Angular developers from renowned service providers to build quality-driven web apps.

Alice Gray
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