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Daycare in Ravet | Preschool Daycare near Me - Little Lollipops

laxmi naik
Daycare in Ravet | Preschool Daycare near Me - Little Lollipops

Daycare is fast emerging as the need of working parents. With both parents away from home the entire day, the child is either left with a helper at home or in a crèche. In both cases, quality care is not available for the child. A crèche will look after the eating and sleeping needs of the child but not enough care is taken about the emotional or social development. When the child is left with the helper at home, he watches TV or whiles away his time, and more often than not his language development, social development, and emotional development suffer because of the lack of proper care. Therefore, we also offer a Daycare facility in many of our Little Lollipops School centers so children can learn and grow in a well-researched manner at their home away from home. Little Lollipops Pre-School Daycare has adopted the unique moving space concept. The child has different spaces for every activity. A haven for children of ages 2 to 10 Years, this homely amenity is specifically for a child’s well-being and their guardian’s mental peace. At Little Lollipops Pre-School Day Care, students are subjected to toddler-friendly fun-filled activities that cater to their humor as well as their growth. They learn the importance of friendship, sharing, being responsible, and being considerate of others. Sharing stories, talking, and singing every day helps your child’s development in lots of ways, sparks your child’s imagination, and stimulates curiosity. Help your child’s brain, social skills, and communication skills develop. Stories play a vital role in the growth and development of children. The books they read and the characters they get to know can become like friends. Eating food containing important nutrients that help children grow, and is essential for children’s mental and physical development. It allows them to explore their environment, develop muscle strength and coordination, and gain self-confidence. Arts and crafts activities can enhance the children’s dexterity and agility.

laxmi naik
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