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Inzuz fashion

A classic zuzanna dress with a daring slit at side front. This long, elegant gown is timeless and effortlessly comfortable with a seductive side. Made from pure silk with a bias cut means that it drapes flatteringly down the body in an elegant fashion. The full open skirt, flows dramatically with movement and its thin spaghetti straps balance bare minimum and grandeur. An irresistible dress that looks and feels like a work of art.

The core of the company are mother-daughter duo Olga Kozlowska and Zuzanna Kozlowska. Leading garment design with three decades of fashion experience, Olga has created a number of labels in Europe and Australia and specializes in exclusive single editions. Her work is both original and timeless in elegance, making it the perfect foundation of wearable art. While Zuzanna adds the artistry of her drawings and sculpture, and brings the company to life. As a visual artist and creative director, Zuzanna innovates fabric sculpture alongside more traditional mediums. 

As a lifestyle brand of artful positive energy we produce wearable art and fine art to elevate your surroundings. Expanding the art of fabric - we cut, drape and design with specialty techniques, painting and sculpting for individuals and global exhibitions. Hand painted silk fashion has a natural sheen, which is great for reflecting light, especially when woven into a shiny satin fabric, but can be textured with lines and slubs in its raw state.

The classic elegance of a T-Shirt made in luxurious silk, custom hand painted with Vibe7. The Vibe of the Earth. from pure silk and painted in an original and unique design made only for you; creating a one of a kind, exquisite look and feel. This timeless design is made to add sophistication to the everyday, as a custom modern artwork.

The classic elegance of a T-Shirt made in luxurious silk, custom hand painted with Vibe7. The Vibe of the Earth. from pure silk and painted in an original and unique design made only for you; creating a one of a kind, exquisite look and feel. This timeless design is made to add sophistication to the everyday, as a custom modern artwork.

Inzuz fashion
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