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We pride ourselves on making the best curries and other foods you can order directly from our website

Josh Buttler
We pride ourselves on making the best curries and other foods you can order directly from our website

A curry is of course one of those dishes that you have to be careful with. Also if you order it from a restaurant, it can sometimes have ingredients that are too strong and therefore not always very good for your health. We however make our food just right. That's why we offer you 20% off on your entire first order when you buy direct from our website. So go ahead now and pick what fantastic meal you fancy today. best Indian takeaway paisley

Indian restaurant in paisley

There is nothing better than a good curry. But getting it right can be tricky, especially when you’re new to it. So let us take care of your curry needs. We will make the best curry you ever tasted and deliver it right to your door. Fancy a curry but haven't a clue where to start? Paprika Paisley is your one stop shop for a good curry. We don't just make the best curry you ever tasted, we will also deliver food right to your door. What can be better than that? Oh, we know, how about 20% off on your first order?? Don't wait order now directly from our site. Ordering from Paprika Paisley is simple. There's a wide range of dishes to choose from, and you can order exactly what you want. One-stop shopping for all your favourite foods!

takeaway in paisley

Our experts at Paprika Paisley have over 10 years of experience making delicious curries. You'll love our authentic blend of flavors. Fancy a curry but haven't a clue where to start? Why not order directly from Paprika Paisley's website? We are experts at making curry and many other delicious meals. Check out our menu and pick your favourite. Don't wait! Order now! We are experts at making curry and many other delicious meals. Check out our menu and pick your favourite.

Josh Buttler
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