Knowing well about the assessment of stage 2 Engineers Australia competencies is a must for you if you want to become a Chartered Professional Engineer (CPEng). Therefore, we have written this blog to let you know about the major elements of these competencies. In addition, we will also tell you about the necessary documents for this assessment. So, read this whole blog.
Major elements of competencies:
The following are the major components of Stage 2 EA competencies:
· Personal commitment towards the requirements of services as an engineer
· Displaying technical proficiency as an engineer
· Community obligation as an engineer
· Sticking to the values at the workplace as an engineer
Having told you about the key elements, we are now about to let you know the required documents.
Required documents:
Engineering Competency Claims (ECCs):
ECC needs you to mention your core competency with the work experience. Your involvement in the technological field of engineering is reflected by means of Engineering Competency Claims. The number of competency claims you need to submit is dependent on the type of pathway you pick. For instance, you must have a total of sixteen engineering competency claims for the ECR pathways.
Upload the most updated resume for the Stage 2 assessment application. Include your recent work experience history with the one you are involved in currently. Your resume must be simple and written precisely.
Engineering Experience Record (EER):
In this document, include all your work experience records. Mention your employer’s name. Besides that, mention the job roles and responsibilities you performed in your employment period. The word limit for this document is nearly 700 words.
Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Record:
This document shows your skill sets and knowledge in your engineering field. It is a very important part of the National Engineering Registration (NER) application.
In this document, you need to show how many CPD hours you have attained in the past three years. It includes the details regarding your commitment towards the engineering product, technological efficiency and standards you reflect in your workplace.
Having told you about the necessary documents and the key elements of the stage 2 Engineers Australia competencies, we find it necessary to advise you that you should hire a professional to write your report, as Engineers Australia is very strict and doesn’t tolerate even small mistakes.