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All About Duplex Stainless Steel Bolts

 All About Duplex Stainless Steel Bolts

What is Duplex Stainless Steel Bolts?

The ferritic and austenitic properties of duplex stainless steel combine to provide robust, corrosion-resistant fasteners. Additionally, the material has a minimum yield strength of 65ksi and a minimum tensile strength of 90ksi. Duplex Stainless Steel Bolts have a 217HBW hardness rating and a 25% elongation rate. They can also be employed in severe environments with heavy wear and tear. UNS S31803 Fasteners are utilised in a wide range of industries, including chemical processing, maritime, pulp and paper, transport, and storage. There are various kinds, including the hex bolt, threaded rod, screws, and nuts.

The common duplex material is used to make Duplex 2205 Fasteners. The material's composition includes nitrogen, 2.5% molybdenum, 4.5% nickel, 21% chromium, manganese, silicon, phosphorus, and carbon.

Process of Duplex Stainless Steel Bolts

The hexagonal head of Duplex 2205 Hex Bolts makes it easy to tighten or loosen with tools. Bolts with various head designs are available and can be used with a variety of tools. To minimise the amount of space the fasteners occupy, the duplex 2205 studs are typically utilised in engine parts and other tightly packed components. Sometimes a straightforward rod with threading would suffice. Thread types for the duplex 2205 threaded rod might include both end threads and one end thread.

Super duplex stainless steels are ideally suited for the production of fasteners for industrial applications because of their distinctive combination of strength, corrosion resistance, and affordability.

The best characteristics of austenitic and ferritic stainless steels are combined in duplex stainless steel bolts, including their high strength and toughness, ease of production, and resistance to corrosion and stress corrosion cracking.

Due to their exceptional corrosion resistance, duplex stainless steel bolts are ideal for both onshore and offshore oil and gas applications. Please check our industrial sections for further details on the effects of duplex pipes.

Corrosion Resistance

With greater sulphide corrosion resistance, chloride pitting resistance, and crevice corrosion resistance than 317L, Duplex Steel UNS S31803 Bolts offer an improved corrosion alternative to stainless. Due to a combination of chromium, molybdenum, and nitrogen, Duplex Steel UNS S31803 Bolts are resistant to chloride pitting and crevice corrosion, making them perfect for maritime environments, closed-loop water systems, and some food processing applications. It's important to keep in mind that when oxidizing media are present, pitting corrosion can be an issue in chloride solutions. In these circumstances, the passive (protective) layer of the Duplex Steel UNS S31803 Bolts material may be harmed, leading to localized pitting.

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