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Locksmith Recommendations for New Year’s Resolutions

ACR Master Locksmith
Locksmith Recommendations for New Year’s Resolutions

It’s that time of year again - listing our New Year's Resolutions. We’re sure everyone is determined to at least go to the gym more often, spend more time with family, and eat healthier. Trained, experienced, licensed locksmiths care deeply about our clients and would also like to add better organized and safer to the list. 

Here are some suggestions to help keep you and yours more prepared and secure:

  • Check Your Home: tour your home and business and check all your windows (upstairs, too). How are the handles functioning? Do they need tightening? Do the locks work?  Do they close securely? Then, check your doors. Do they close correctly? Do the locks work properly? If anything even seems the slightest bit questionable, immediately fix and replace it. 

  • Keep Track of Your Car Keys: Twice a week, 25% or Americans misplace their car keys and about half say looking for them made them late for work, school, or some other appointment.  Lost car keys is the most frequent reason people contact locksmiths. Placing your car keys in the same place, such as a bowl, dish, or keyholder, would keep you organized and safe all that lost time.  

  • Make Spares: Over 20 million Americans lose their house and car keys each year. Oftentimes, too, spouses and kids take the house and car keys and unintentionally forget they have them. Having a spare either in that same place or with a close friend or landlord will save precious time and give you peace-of-mind.  Such applies to commercial sites, as well – employees

  • Equip Your Car: make sure your car has provisions “just in case.” Place a first-aid kit, bottled water, blankets, and road flares in your trunk. You never know. 

  • Post a Locksmith Number Nearby: a locksmith is an emergency contact. Post one along with your emergency numbers. 

ACR Master Locksmith

A licensed Charlotte locksmith owns and operates ACR Master Locksmith (ACR). Based in Charlotte NC, it offers trained, experienced locksmith services to commercial and residential property owners in the surrounding area. 

With over 10 years of locksmith industry experience, ACR has the skills and experience to make your home and business secure.  It offers 24/7 availability, every day of the year, including weekends and holidays.  It’s the best licensed locksmith near me and you.

For licensed locksmith Charlotte NC and licensed locksmith Matthews NC call anytime for a FREE quote. ACR provides costs upfront. No surprises, ever.  

ACR Master Locksmith
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