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CIO Talk Network
Best Tech Podcasts

Thought-provoking best technology podcasts, talks, and discussions on Leadership, Innovation, AI, Big Data, Staffing, IoT, Cloud, and Management by Global IT Leaders.

For more information please visit https://www.ciotalknetwork.com/talks/

To Listen Podcasts:

  1. Cloud Security as a Shared Responsibility
  2. Controlling Cloud Security Through Continuous Visibility
  3. Managing Cloud to Manage Itself
  4. The Rise of Fog Computing
  5. Expecting Cloud Capabilities Out of the Box
  6. Cloud Suitability – Don’t just play it safe, dive in!
  7. Leveraging Cloud To Invite Big Data And Mobility
  8. Cloud Suitability and Transformation
  9. The 5 Pitfalls of Cloud Adoption
  10. Cloud and Compromise: Many Ways of Managing Needs
  11. 5 Things You’ll Want From a Virtual Private Cloud
  12. ‘Cloud Reimagined’ : Exploring New Ideas Behind Cloud Computing
  13. Evaluating HP’s Virtual Private Cloud
  14. Cloud Computing doesn’t come in 31 flavors
  15. Cloud Contracts – The Hidden Costs & Risks
  16. PaaS: Are solutions ready? Are we ready?
  17. Transforming Traditional IT Into Cloud IT
  18. I & O Investments: Technology or Operational excellence?
  19. Private/Hybrid Cloud, Security, & Taking that First Step into the Cloud
  20. Enterprise Cloud IT+ Big Changes = Disruption & Innovation
  21. How to Enable Secure Cloud Computing
  22. Where are You On The Cloud Maturity Model?
  23. Security Concerns Linger As the Clouds Roll By
  24. Cloud Maturity Model Conundrum
  25. Shadow IT Apps – Ripe for Moving to the Cloud?
  26. TCO of Cloud Computing
  27. Acing Hybrid Delivery With All/Some Cloud
  28. Desktop as a Service: Panacea or Hype?
  29. Part 3 Cloud Computing Service Level Agreements (SLA)
  30. Part 2: So, you need to negotiate a contract with a Cloud provider?
  31. Cloud Computing – Useless for the important stuff!
  32. So, you need to negotiate a contract with a Cloud provider?
  33. Security in the World of Mobility, the Cloud, and Social Media
  34. Healthcare and the Cloud: A Brave New World Without Courage?
  35. What Would it Take For “Collective Intelligence” to Become a Reality?
  36. Healthcare in a Cloud?
  37. Is Healthcare ready for the cloud?
  38. “All privacy laws is local” but the clouds are global
  39. Are Global Privacy Laws chasing Cloud Computing Away?
  40. Cloud, Mobility, Social Networking, and Inter/National Security
  41. The Private Cloud: Why? How? What Risks?
  42. Private cloud seeding internal turmoil
  43. Cloudy Picture: Why is Fed IT Slow at Adopting The Cloud?
  44. Cloud and Data Integration: An Unsolved Problem?
  45. Cloud Governance: Is NOW The Time?
  46. Is Your Email/Data Secure in the Cloud?
  47. Choice Computing? No problem!
  48. SaaS Management: Morphing Pain!
  49. Cloud Computing: Beyond Research Projects
CIO Talk Network
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