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The Best Time for Kedarkantha Trek And Cost

Universal Adventures
The Best Time for Kedarkantha Trek And Cost

Kedarkantha trek is a popular trek located in the Himalayas of Uttarakhand. It offers stunning views of snow-covered mountains and lush green valleys. It is a moderate level trek suitable for all ages and experience levels.

The best time to go for the Kedarkantha trek is between November and March. The months of November and March are the ideal time to trek on Kedarkantha as the weather is pleasant and the trails are less crowded. During this time, the temperature ranges between -4°C to 16°C and the snowfall is minimal.

There is also a chance of seeing various wildlife on the trails like wild horses, foxes, and birds. Kedarkantha trek is also relatively easy and can be done by beginners. It does require some level of fitness, but is manageable with a few days of acclimatization.

The cost of the Kedarkantha trek depends on a variety of factors such as the duration of the trek, the tour operator, the number of people in the group, and the type of accommodation. Kedarkantha trek cost from Delhi is around INR 5000 per person. This includes the cost of transportation, accommodation, food, guide fees, and equipment.

The trek to Kedarkantha can be completed in 4-5 days. It is a relatively easy trek and can be completed by people of all ages and fitness levels. The trek starts from Sankri and finishes at Juda Ka Talab.

The Kedarkantha trek is an unforgettable experience and it is recommended to go between October and March. The cost of the trek varies depending on the tour operator and the type of accommodation, but typically costs around INR 5000 per person.

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