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best general physician in guntur

Sanjivi hospitals
 best general physician in guntur

Dr Srujan one of the best best general physician in guntur at Sanjivi Hospitals, He completed his post graduation and super specialty training in England. He worked in England for 12 years and gained knowledge, expertise and holistic approach to patient care.

He Offered Services on

General medicine clinic: Patients with most of the general symptoms are assessed including Hypertension, thyroid diseases and viral fevers in this clinic.

Diabetic clinic: Patients with new diagnosis of diabetes will be educated about disease, medication, diet, and complications. Complex patients with uncontrolled diabetes, kidney problems and infections are assessed and managed in this clinic

Senior citizens clinic: Comprehensive assessment of elderly people with multiple diseases are done in this clinic including medication review, assessment of psychological state (Depression screening), memory impairment (Dementia screening), movement disorders (Parkinson’s disease), unsteady gait and paralysis (Brain stroke).

Headache clinic: Assessment and management of different types of headache in a comprehensive way and those who required brain imaging will be offered scan in our affiliated scan centre at concessional rates.


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For More Info: https://sanjivihospitals.com/team/dr-a-srujan-kumar/


Call Us: +91 8680871234, 0863–2229444, 0863–2241644

Sanjivi hospitals
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