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How to wear a djellaba dress ?

How to wear a djellaba dress ?


The Moroccan djellaba dress for women is a popular traditional garment in Morocco. It is usually made of wool or cotton, and is often decorated with colorful patterns. The djellaba for women is comfortable and practical to wear, and can be worn at home as well as outside.

How to wear the djellaba?

To wear a djellaba, simply slip it over your head like a dress. It is recommended to wear it with a loose-fitting pant such as a harem pant for more comfort and freedom of movement. Moroccan women often wear djellabas with flat shoes such as babouches for a more traditional look.


There are many different choices available when it comes to choosing a djellaba. It is important to choose a size that fits your body and to make sure it is long enough to cover your legs. Djellabas can also vary in terms of the materials used, colors and patterns. Wool djellabas are warmer and heavier while cotton djellabas are lighter and more breathable. You can also choose between traditional patterned djellabas or more modern djellabas with bright colors and contemporary prints. If you're looking for your djellaba online, Kenza Caftan's oriental dress shop offers a wide range of choices at affordable prices.

It's important to note that the djellaba is also a popular garment for men in Morocco. Men's djellabas are usually simpler and more subdued in terms of colors and patterns, but they are just as comfortable and practical as those for women.

Djellabas are also often associated with Moroccan culture and tradition. Traditional djellabas are often handmade with quality materials such as wool or cotton, and can be adorned with embroidered patterns or beads. These djellabas can be expensive, but they are considered collectible pieces and are often worn on special occasions.

By wearing a djellaba, you can feel connected to Moroccan culture and also express your own personal style. Djellabas are also often associated with spirituality and religion, and can be worn during religious ceremonies.

In summary, the Moroccan djellaba is a comfortable and practical traditional garment that can be worn by both women and men, both at home and outside. There are many choices available when it comes to choosing a djellaba for women, it's important to consider the materials used for complete comfort, colors, patterns and other elements.

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