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College Africa Group – Microsoft Excel Consulting

College Africa Group

The Google Project Our Microsoft Project training is of the highest quality. Our Microsoft Project training sessions are customized for your business. Get a free estimate for your requirements right away.

Microsoft is included in our well-known Excel consulting services, which build on the formulas and features learned in Excel Essentials and Intermediate. This one-day MS Excel Advanced course covers some of the most advanced Excel features and functions. Upon completion, the delegates will be among the top 10% of Excel users in Southern Africa.

After completing the course successfully, you will have excellent Excel skills, which are necessary for creating sophisticated analytical spreadsheets, and budgets, and mastering complex advanced formulas required in the workplace. This course must be taken if you are ambitious and want to move up the corporate ladder.

One of the most widely used applications for processing and reporting numerical data in both personal and professional settings is Microsoft. Sadly, it is also one of the least-used applications when it comes to processing and reporting capabilities.

On October 17, 2022, the most recent edition of The Best Guide to Understanding Advanced Excel Consulting Services Functions was published. The Best Guide to Understanding Advanced Excel Functions Table of Contents What-If Analysis Using SolverIf-ElseIf-ErrorPivot Tables View More The features and functions of Microsoft Excel that help users perform complex calculations, analyze data, and do a great deal more are referred to as “Advanced Excel Functions.” In this article, you’ll learn about some of Excel’s most popular advanced functions.

Goal Seek Goal Seek is a built-in function in Advanced Excel Functions that allows you to modify the assumptions in order to achieve the desired output. The method relies on trial and error to achieve the desired result.

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College Africa Group
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