Missing a tooth or two makes eating difficult and will almost certainly have a negative impact over time. Fortunately, dental bridges are used to fill the gap between teeth and give a perfect smile. When you are missing one or more teeth, our dentist in Edmonton can make and place a false tooth in between your natural teeth.
Dental bridges are used to fill the gap between your teeth. It is also possible for you to opt for one or more bridges if you are missing more teeth. It will allow you to talk and chew as naturally as possible.
If you do not address this issue, the remaining teeth in your mouth will move around and try to fill in the space left by the missing tooth. It can be painful. So, it becomes crucial to get your teeth fixed.
Types of Dental Bridges You Should Consider:
If your dentist finds that you are a good candidate for a dental implant, the next step is to determine which type of dental bridge is suitable for you. Learn about the four types of bridges and how they provide different functionality depending on the tooth.
Here are the four different types of dental bridges:
1. Traditional Dental Bridges
Traditional bridges are the most common and widely used type of dental bridge. It consists of a false tooth held in place with crowns that fit over your natural teeth on either side of the gap. Once fixed, bridges can become a permanent part of your mouth. There are also other materials, like ceramic or porcelain, that are used to create a long-lasting bridge.
A durable bridge is usually made of ceramic or porcelain. To finish this bridge, the dentist will remove the enamel from your teeth to properly fit the crowns over them.
2. Cantilever Dental Bridges
Cantilever dental bridges use a single anchor tooth. They only require one abutment tooth, making it a good option for anyone who just has one tooth missing. It has one crown on the side of your missing tooth.
With the help of a cantilever bridge, you can save time and money. However, there are few cases where this type of bridge can be placed safely.
3. Maryland or resin-bonded bridges
You can opt for Maryland dental bridges if both sides of the missing tooth have healthy teeth. It is a type of bridge with a framework made of metal or porcelain that’s bonded directly to your natural teeth. The pontic goes directly in between the teeth to restore your smile.
Maryland bridges are a popular choice for replacing missing front teeth because they don’t require crowns. The framework, however, will be hidden; hence, it’s not visible when you smile or talk. Plus, there is also no need to file the tooth enamel.
4. Implant-supported dental bridges
This treatment is suggested when you are missing several teeth or if your natural teeth are not strong enough to support the crown and a bridge. In this treatment, the missing tooth gets its own crown and implant. If that’s not possible, your dentist might also suspend a pontic between two implant-supported crowns.
Implant-supported bridges are the strongest option; however, they require more than one visit. Hence, it is viable to find a dentist near you. A surgery to embed the implant in your jawbone and a follow-up appointment after the healing to place a new bridge Implant-supported dental bridges, like other bridges, will match the shape, size, colour, and function of your natural teeth.
How Long will the Dental Implant Last?
Dental bridges last at least five to seven years. With good oral hygiene and regular professional cleaning, the bridge may last more than 10 years.
Which dental bridge is right for you?
Before beginning the procedure, your dentist will perform an oral exam of the area. The ideal dental bridge will be selected in accordance with it and a number of other factors.
Your overall oral health, the kind of replacement teeth required to close the gap, the complexity of the procedure, the cost, and the materials all play a role in determining the best dental bridge.
You can also reach out to Affinity Dental Kingsway. Our team is dedicated to helping you find answers to your questions about your missing teeth. Call us and schedule an appointment today!
Summing up,
A missing tooth can impact your daily lifestyle. However, when you get dental bridges in Edmonton, they can restore the look and function of your teeth. The dental bridge that is in the gap can last for years.
Simply, maintaining good oral hygiene and regularly seeing your dentist for cleaning can help. However, if you are unsure whether to get a dental bridge or not, you can reach out to the dentist near you.