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Does Wearing School Uniform Have an Influence on Student?

Sudhir Memorial Institute Liluah

Wearing school uniforms has been a contentious topic for many years. Some argue that uniforms can have a positive influence on students, while others believe that they are unnecessary and can be detrimental to a student’s self-expression. Let’s take a closer look at some of the potential benefits.

Yes, wearing school uniforms greatly influenced students in many ways. School uniforms promote a sense of unity and belonging among students, which can lead to a more positive school culture. When talking about uniforms, Sudhir Memorial Institute Liluah one of the english medium schools in howrah provides the best uniforms for their students. Each and every school uniform had its own significance and story.

Additionally, uniforms can help to reduce bullying and peer pressure, as students are not judged based on their clothing choices. Furthermore, uniforms can also help to level the playing field for students from different socio-economic backgrounds, ensuring that all students are dressed similarly and no one is singled out for their clothing choices.

· It encourages discipline

· Levels of economically unequal groups

· Introduces them to professionalism

· Offers them a unique identity

It encourages discipline

Many of you might not agree, but school uniform encourages discipline. The rule that makes them wear similar outfits as their fellows fills them with a sense that the place they are now is different from their home. The place has some rules that need to be followed anyhow. We can see uniform criteria in every field of life. Not only schools, but even the army, corporate offices, and restaurants encourage uniforms. It instills the feeling of being different from what you are at home. It adds a sense of responsibility.

Levels of economically unequal groups

Not everyone in the school is rich, not everyone is poor. If kids are allowed to wear whatever they want, it will create a vast socioeconomic difference. The wealthy students will show off their fancy clothes, and the poor will try to compete with them. It will diminish the purpose of schools which is to offer education and make the kids better citizens. Uniform makes sure everyone looks the same. The socioeconomic differences will thus level out.

Introduces them to professionalism

Professionalism is an essential aspect of everyone’s life. Though it is in your behavior, your attire contributes a lot. The uniforms selected by the schools look professional. Making uniforms compulsory for students leads them to a professional attitude. Sometimes, the vibes of the outfit are enough to make you feel that way. The feelings of a bridal dress are different from that of a uniform, and that summarizes everything.

Offers them a unique identity

School is the learning phase of children’s life. They are learning everything it takes to be a good citizen, a responsible family person, and a successful human. What people most struggle with in their life is identity. Uniform offers them the identity of a student. Every school has a different uniform, creating a sense of belongingness. Moreover, school uniforms also prevent intruders. Anyone trying to mix in the students will be easily identified when students are wearing uniforms


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Sudhir Memorial Institute Liluah
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