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Can A Commerce Student Take Up BTech At JB Knowledge Park?

Vanshika Shukla
Can A Commerce Student Take Up BTech At JB Knowledge Park?

Are you a commerce student who is considering pursuing a BTech degree? Do you want to know more about the possibilities available at JB Knowledge Park? Read on to learn more about the options available to you and what requirements are needed for admission.

Introduction: Overview of the course and eligibility criteria

A commerce student can definitely take up BTech at JB Knowledge Park! The college offers a great course structure and the eligibility criteria are not too stringent. However, there are a few things that you should keep in mind before applying.

JB Knowledge Park's BTech program is a four-year course that is divided into eight semesters. The first four semesters focus on basic engineering subjects like Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Communication Skills. In the last four semesters, you will have to choose a specialization from subjects like Computer Science, Information Technology, Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering.

To be eligible for the BTech program at JB Knowledge Park, you must have completed your Class 12th or equivalent examination with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics as your main subjects. You must also have secured a minimum of 50% marks in aggregate. If you do not meet these criteria, you can still apply but you will have to appear for an entrance examination conducted by the college.

So if you are a commerce student looking to take up engineering, JB Knowledge Park is definitely the place for you! Just make sure that you meet the eligibility criteria and give it your best shot!

Benefits of a BTech for Commerce Students

A BTech for Commerce Students can be extremely beneficial, providing them with the opportunity to gain an in-depth understanding of the technology field. This can help prepare students for a successful career in commerce, and potentially open up doors to new and exciting career paths. In addition, a BTech can provide students with the skills and knowledge necessary to start their own business or pursue further education in the field of technology.

Requirements for Admission at JB Knowledge Park

To be eligible for admission in B.Tech at JB Knowledge Park, the candidate must have completed 10+2 or equivalent examination with minimum 50% marks in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics from a recognized Board/University.

Apart from fulfilling the above-mentioned criteria, the candidates will also have to appear for and qualify in an entrance examination. The entrance examination could either be JEE Main or UPSEE. After qualifying the entrance examination, the candidates will have to participate in counselling conducted by Joint Seat Allocation Authority (JoSAA).

Name: JB Knowledge Park          

WebSite: https://www.jbcollege.in/

Contact Number: 99998888321

Add: JB Knowledge Park, Manjahwali,

Faridabad NCR. 121 102

Vanshika Shukla
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