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A guide on using Insulation Piercing Connector

Axis Electricals
A guide on using Insulation Piercing Connector

Insulation Piercing Connectors (IPCs) are electrical components used for accepting tap connections in aerial bundled (AB) or overhead cables. As the name suggests, this connector is used to tap on a main electric supply line to create a new connection for various purposes.

The design features of an Insulation Piercing Connector offer the following benefits.

1.                 Exceptional electrical connection with insulated overhead cables

2.                 Excellent mechanical properties to offer strength and durability

3.                 Top-quality material is chosen to impart protection from external or environmental factors.

From street lighting to domestic connections, an IPC establishes a T connection. Here is a list of application domains of IPCs.

·        Tap off and multi-tap connections to households

·        Street light connections

·        Distribution box charging connections

·        Jumper connections

IPCs are generally used to add benefits to the electrical system. The prime advantages are quick fastening to the main overhead cable and providing exceptional stability to the connections. Despite being exposed to weather conditions, an Insulation Piercing Connector will not cause any electrical fault or compromise its durability.

Another advantage of using IPCs is no need to strip off the insulation of the conducting cables. Simply installing an IPC will do the trick. There is no need to use post-installation tape after connecting with an overhead line. They get used for copper-to-aluminium, copper-to copper and aluminium-to-aluminium combinations.

Hence, choosing an IPC is decided on the industrial requirement and design specifications. It is ideal to seek certified and tested IPCs for better outcomes. 


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