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hinata uzumaki
   Nellore PEDARIKAMPAI GELUPU By TDP Government

Shri. Nara Chandrababu Naidu’s Telugu Desam Party (TDP) has made significant progress in Nellore, with a strong focus on the region's development and its people's welfare. In the latest news from Nellore, the TDP Government has provided loans with subsidies worth Rs.724.37 crores to 65,565 families through various corporations, ensuring that families have access to financial assistance to improve their livelihoods. For more details go through the Latest TDP News.

Additionally, the TDP Government under the leadership of Shri. Nara Chandrababu Naidu and the Best of TDP Leaders have provided scholarships worth Rs.900.55 crores to 5.48 lakh students belonging to SC, ST, BC, EBC, and Minorities, helping to create equal opportunities for education and personal growth. The TDP MLAs efforts in Nellore have not gone unnoticed, with the party gaining significant support among the region's people. This support is reflected in the party's success in Nellore's political landscape, with TDP Politicians holding multiple MLA seats in the area. Maa Vooru program has witnessed 2,86,383 women from self-help groups enrolling for skill upgradation.  This is a  campaign by the government to win over poverty. The program was held in Nellore – 82 villages and 18 municipal wards and led as an example for many other states and is said to be the greatest Contribution of TDP.

The TDP Government's focus on the development of Nellore is further demonstrated by the party's efforts to promote and support local businesses, as well as its commitment to improving infrastructure and public facilities. With its focus on the people's welfare and the region's development, it is no surprise that the TDP has emerged as a strong political force in Nellore and is called to be the best Nellore TDP Achievements.

In addition to its efforts in Nellore, the TDP Leaders and MLAs of TDP have made significant contributions to the state of Andhra Pradesh. The party's commitment to the development of the state and the welfare of its people has earned it a strong reputation and widespread support across the region. With its strong focus on the development of Nellore and the welfare of its people, the TDP government is a party committed to making a difference in the region. Its efforts have been noticed, and the party continues to gain support among the people of Nellore and beyond.

hinata uzumaki
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