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OpenSea-The Largest NFT Marketplace

OpenSea Nft
OpenSea-The Largest NFT Marketplace

OpenSea is the world’s first and largest web3 marketplace for NFTs and crypto collectibles. Browse, create, buy, sell, and auction NFTs using OpenSea today.


Navigate to your profile icon and choose the NFTs that you would like to list for sale from your wallet. On the Item page, there are two options on the top right: the “Edit” tab, and the “Sell” tab. Click “Sell.” The listing page will open to display options on the price and type of sale you want to execute. The sale listings include fixed-price sales and timed-auction sales.

To buy NFTs on OpenSea, fund your wallet with Ethereum (ETH) and convert to wrapped ETH (WETH), an Ethereum token with improved interoperability. Most NFTs support ETH and WETH, but others accept cryptocurrencies like DAI, APE, ASH, CUBE, BAT, and GALA.


To buy an NFT, use the search bar to find the NFT you like, using the wide range of filters available to zero in on the best option. After selecting your preferred NFT, choose either the “Buy Now” tab to buy the NFT at the displayed price or the “Make Offer” tab to propose your preferred price. 


A page will open for you to sign the transaction to complete your payment. If you make an offer, you must wait for the seller to accept or reject it. If your transaction is successful, your NFT will be sent to your wallet. You can view all the NFTs you bought in the “My Collections” tab of your profile. 

You can sell NFTs on OpenSea by selecting a single item or creating a bundle of different NFTs and listing them for sale. Navigate to your profile icon and choose the NFTs that you would like to list for sale from your wallet. On the Item page, there are two options on the top right: the “Edit” tab, and the “Sell” tab. Click “Sell.” The listing page will open to display options on the price and type of sale you want to execute. The sale listings include fixed-price sales and timed-auction sales.

OpenSea Nft
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