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ICF Group Mentor Coaching That Is Dedicated To Cohort Cohesion And Developing Core Competencies For Client Coaching

Jennifer Powers
ICF Group Mentor Coaching That Is Dedicated To Cohort Cohesion And Developing Core Competencies For Client Coaching

International Coaching Federation’s (ICF) credentials are considered the gold standard for professionally trained coaches around the world. ICF is the largest organization devoted to developing the coaching industry by setting high standards for coaches, and has created a global network of highly trained coaches with independent certifications.

ICF credentials are the only internationally recognized professional coaching accreditations. If you want to become a coach, getting started with an ICF certified program would be a good idea. ICF has a self-regulating community of highly acclaimed coaches who ensure accountability to their clients and the industry as a whole.

ICF offers three credential levels through the Portfolio and ACSTH paths. These are:

Associate Certified Coach (ACC)

Professional Certified Coach (PCC)

Master Certified Coach (MCC)

ICF requires the coaches to complete 10 hours of group mentor coaching in addition to standard coaching hours for each level, both for accreditation, and their renewal. Powerhouse Coaching offers 10-hour ICF group mentor coaching in an experiential and ICF-approved format through its highly experienced MCC-certified coaches, the founder Jennifer Powers, and the amazing mentor Cath Daley.

Jennifer Powers has logged more than 3000 coaching hours and mentored more than 2000 coaches worldwide, while Cath Daley is a natural-born teacher who has mentored over 6,000 senior leaders and professionals in a wide range of sectors all over the globe.

Group Sessions To Build Exemplary Coaching Skills 

Powerhouse Coaching provides 10-hour ICF group mentor coaching for ACC, PCC, and MCC, in a small and intimate group-size learning environment, to be completed over a period of three months. 7 hours of ICF group mentor coaching will be completed in 04 sessions of 90 minutes each, with a group size of not more than 10 attendees, via Zoom conferences.

The group sessions will combine live mentor coaching, round robins, facilitated discussions, and questions & answers sessions. The focus of group sessions would be improving your coaching presence, crafting powerful questions, inviting the shift, and building exemplary coaching skills that reflect the ICF core competencies.

Individualized One-On-One Sessions To Support Skill-Building With Constructive Feedback 

In addition to group, sessions, two individualized, one-on-one sessions of 90 minutes duration each will be conducted at the start and end of the ICF group mentor coaching sessions. The first 90-minute one-on-one session will set you up for success as you and your MCC mentor coach get to know each other a bit better through personalized interactions.

You will go over the material and tools you will be using, and there will also be a discussion to review ethics and ICF guidelines. You can schedule the last 90-minute one-on-one session at any time. The two 90-minutes sessions may be used to review a recorded coaching call, practice your coaching, or any other support you need in skill-building.

ICF group mentor coaching by Powerhouse Coaching is offered in small intimate groups plus individual mentoring sessions for maximum learning impact. The sessions are dedicated to cohort cohesion and establishing the process elements for the cohort. Four 90-minute sessions focus on each of the four clusters of the ICF Core Competency model, and preparation for submission of a credential application.

Private Access To Library Resources 

For the duration of the program, the mentee coaches will have private access to exclusive online resources and recordings for MCC, PCC, and ACC, that allow them to learn the distinctions between MCC, PCC, and ACC skill level coaching.

Jennifer Powers
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