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What is IUI & How IUI Treatment is Done?

Little Angel IVF
What is IUI & How IUI Treatment is Done?

Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) is a fertility treatment procedure in which sperm is directly inserted into the uterus with the help of a catheter. The main objective of IUI is to increase the number of sperm that reach the fallopian tubes and eventually fertilize an egg.

IUI is often recommended for couples facing infertility issues, especially when the cause of infertility is unknown or related to problems with sperm quality or quantity. In some cases, IUI may also be recommended for couples undergoing fertility treatments such as ovulation induction or for individuals using donor sperm.

IUI treatment process step by step: 

1.     Ovulation induction: The woman is given medication to stimulate ovulation and increase the number of eggs produced in a cycle.


2.     Collection of sperm: The sperm is collected from the male partner or a donor and is processed to separate the healthy sperm from the less viable sperm.


3.     Insertion of sperm: A catheter is used to insert the processed sperm directly into the uterus.


4.     Monitoring: The woman is monitored to confirm that the IUI has been successful and to check for any adverse effects.


Success Rate of IUI:

The success rate of IUI varies from person to person and is dependent on several factors such as the age of the woman, cause of infertility, and sperm quality. On average, the success rate of IUI is around 10-20%. In some cases, multiple cycles of IUI may be required before a pregnancy is achieved.

Is IUI Treatment Painful?

IUI treatment is generally not considered painful. However, some women may experience mild discomfort during the procedure. This is usually due to the insertion of the thin catheter through the cervix into the uterus. The discomfort is usually brief and can be relieved with over-the-counter pain medications or a mild sedative.


Is IUI Treatment Safe?

IUI treatment is considered a safe procedure for most people. There is a low risk of complications associated with IUI. However, like any medical procedure, there are some potential risks, including infection, bleeding, and uterine perforation. These risks are rare and can be reduced by choosing a qualified medical professional and following proper aftercare instructions.


It is important to discuss any concerns you have with your doctor before undergoing IUI treatment. They will be able to provide you with more information about the procedure, the risks, and what you can expect during and after the procedure.

Here are some tips for IUI (Intrauterine Insemination) treatment: 

1.     Timing: Schedule IUI during ovulation to increase the chance of fertilization.


2.     Fertility drugs: Take fertility drugs as prescribed by your doctor to increase the number of eggs produced.


3.     Sperm count: Have your partner tested for sperm count and motility prior to IUI.


4.     Relaxation: Try to reduce stress and stay relaxed before and during IUI treatment.


5.     Healthy lifestyle: Maintain a healthy lifestyle by eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly, and avoiding alcohol and tobacco.


6.     Follow instructions: Follow all instructions from your doctor carefully, including post-procedure instructions and restrictions.


7.     Stay positive: Stay positive and hopeful, as having a positive attitude can increase the chances of a successful IUI treatment.



IUI is a simple and non-invasive fertility treatment procedure that can help couples overcome infertility issues. If you are considering IUI, it is important to discuss your options with a fertility specialist to determine if it is the right choice for you.

IUI treatment is generally not considered painful, and it is considered safe for most people. However, it is important to discuss any concerns you have with Best IVF Doctor in Delhi before undergoing IUI treatment.

Little Angel IVF
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