It is no surprise that energy costs have raised dramatically in the last few years. With no indication of prices plunging anytime soon, it is no surprising fact that more and more individuals are looking for methods for lowering their energy consumption.
Solar panel installation is an amazing method of achieving this. Producing your own power, significant results in substantial savings you must spend on imports. Even better, initiatives like the SEG allow you to be compensated for exporting unutilized electricity back to the grid. In addition to that, you are pinching pennies on your expenses, but you're also making money.
Solar PV panels are presumed "authorised developments" and do not always necessitate planning permission. There are some exceptions, so speak to your local planning authority for verification. Supplemental limitations may apply if you reside in an old building, conservation area, or national park.
If you intend to configure a solar PV system at your house, you must enrol with your DNO. Generally, your solar panel installer will verify the device for you in the UK.
We at Evergreen Power Solar are the UK’s renowned solar PV installation company, with years of working experience with solar technology. We will develop and install a custom system for your home that will provide you with worth for many years to come.
Do I need permission to install solar panels?
Solar panels can be lawfully installed on your roof. DIY installations are not restricted in any way. There are some critical considerations. To begin, installing solar panels necessitates specialised knowledge from a variety of disciplines.
To know where to clamp brackets and how to assist your roof support the added load, you must have roofing knowledge. Fitting the battery and connecting it to the panels requires electrical knowledge. You will also require specialised equipment and scaffolding.
The excellent news is that most people no longer need planning permission for solar panels. Planning permission is only required if you live in a protected area or own a listed building.
Even in these cases, however, it is usually just paperwork. Your local government must provide you with a legit reason for denying your request to install solar panels. This is because solar panels are deemed 'permitted developments.
Solar panels, as well as certain kinds of home extensions, are permitted developments in the UK. If you live in a listed building or a wildlife reserve, you will also need to obtain planning permission for your solar arrays.
Whether, you need a planning permission or not, it is always a good idea to hire an installer who is certified by the MCS.
While it is not technically needed, having your system installed by an installer who has MCS accreditation allows you to export excess energy back to the National Grid and engage in other government initiatives and solar panel grants.
Utilizing an MCS-certified installer will also assist you with any planning permission queries you may have or findings that you are abiding by building regulations or permitted development requirements.
Local governments recognise that MCS-certified installers properly follow the rules. If your installer is certified on the MCS website, you're much more likely to get quick approval than if you attempt to install solar panels yourself.
Every solar panel configuration in the United Kingdom must comply with standard building codes. The important points of these solar panel regulations are both structural and electrical-wiring safety.
In brief, solar panel building regulations in the United Kingdom state that you must ensure that your roof can sustain the added load that a solar panel system will bring. They also require you to make any necessary changes or repairs to make it safer.
If you use an MCS-accredited installer, you do not need to submit your panel building regulations application. As the Council understands, when you employ an MCS-certified installer, your solar panel system will definitely comply with UK building regulations.
What is the cost of solar panel installation?
The installing cost of solar panels UK system on your property is determined by several factors, including:
- The number and size of panels
- How difficult is the installation procedure?
- The system component specifications
- Panel placement
- Orientation
It is also important to schedule regular maintenance to ensure your panels are in the best working order. This is done so that any flaws or inefficiencies in performance can be detected earlier.
Although bright sunlight is not required to capture the solar rays required for energy production, systems in south England produce a faster return on investment than those in northern regions due to longer sunshine hours.
A specialist solar panel inspection from our expert installers will determine how much you’re utility bills could be reduced and how much power you could distribute to the National Grid if you produce an excess of electricity.
Adding solar panels to your home will do more than merely save you money. Solar is a safe, renewable energy source, so solar panels UK produce no carbon emissions. You will reduce your carbon footprint and contribute to a greener future for succeeding generations.
Fill in the form below and consult our expert installers from Evergreen Power Solar right away.
As more people seek energy independence, more individuals are keen on installing their own DIY solar panels in their homes. While the time investment required for self-made solar panels is significantly higher, the less initial investment cost permits a greater number of people to afford clean and renewable domestic energy. If you do not hire professional installers, you will incur additional legal obligations.
Source: https://www.evergreenpoweruksolar.com/installation-cost-of-solar-panels-in-the-uk-your-guide-2021/