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3 Frequently Asked Questions About Massage Therapy

Edgemont Naturopathic Clinic
3 Frequently Asked Questions About Massage Therapy

Massage therapy in North Vancouver, BC offers plenty of benefits. If you aren’t integrating it in your life yet, you should start doing so right now so you can reap the rewards of this treatment.

Many people don’t know much about massage therapy in North Vancouver. If you are one of them, you might want to know the following frequently asked questions:

1. How often should you get a massage?

One of the frequently asked questions people have about massage therapy in North Vancouver is how often it should be done. If you are aiming to reduce tension and stress in your body and using massage therapy as a means to relax more, you can get massage therapy once a week or once a month. It just depends on your budget.

What makes massage therapy great for relaxation is that it loosens up those tight muscles and facilitates a better circulation of blood.

If you are managing pain, you can get massage therapy once every 3 days or depending on how severe the injury or illness is. People who need rehabilitation from sports injuries should consult their physician to determine what type of massage therapy would be a better and a more effective option.

If you have painful knots in the body, you might want to get massage therapy once a month. This will allow your body to heal fully.

2. What is massage therapy in North Vancouver good for?

So how can massage therapy help you? Why would you want to incorporate it in your life? There are many benefits to massage therapy including better blood circulation. If you have a sedentary lifestyle brought about by your work, you can benefit from massage therapy.

It helps reduce blood pressure, improve sleep pattern, minimize aches and pains and improve mobility. Many also use massage therapy to improve their sports performance.

3. What should you do before and after getting a massage?

Hydration is important before and after your massage therapy so make sure you chug a lot of water. If you are going to take a bath after the treatment, opt for warm water instead to aid in better circulation. Don’t go to your appointment with a very full stomach. Instead, eat a light meal to tide you over until the next time you have a meal.

Try not to schedule anything after your massage therapy. You would want to prolong the benefits of massage therapy by relaxing after the session.

Make sure you talk to your massage therapist first. Identify the issues that need to be corrected to find the right massage techniques suitable for your needs. If you are looking for the best massage therapists, you can check out Edgemont Naturopathic Clinic.

Joe Richardson is the author of this article. To know more about Acupuncture Treatment in North vancouver please visit our website: edgemontnaturopathic.com

Edgemont Naturopathic Clinic
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