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Top Qualities To Look For In A Customer Service Email Management Software

Tickle Train
Top Qualities To Look For In A Customer Service Email Management Software

Here are the top features you can't afford to overlook when selecting Email Management Tool for your workforce.

- Increased accountability through email assignments

- Improved inbox management through email tags

- Workflow automation for faster client service

- Service Level Agreements (SLAs) with the goal of providing excellent customer service

- Tools for measuring and improving customer service performance Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) surveys are used to assess customer satisfaction.

You already know that you require Customer Service Email Management Software to enable your customer support team to perform at their peak. However, given the abundance of options on the market, choosing the best solution for your company may be difficult.

TickleTrain solves the problem of being able to stay on top of leads, sales opportunities and your current clients without leaving your inbox.

Although it began as an easy and effective follow-up tool, TickleTrain has expanded its services to include task and collaborative project management - also important aspects of running a business efficiently.

The concept behind TickleTrain started around the needs of small business owners who don’t have enough time to follow up effectively with their customers or clients. The founder, Michel Dickman, ran a printing business with his wife and was searching for a tool to easily automate his follow up communications with contacts, freeing up his time to perform the day-to-day tasks of running a successful business.

Tickle Train
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