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Wallputty – Sustain the life of paint of your home

Wallputty – Sustain the life of paint of your home

Wall putty is a type of material that is applied to the surface of walls before painting to even out imperfections and create a smooth base. It helps to improve the longevity and durability of paint, as well as provide an even surface for paint to adhere to.

Here are some ways wall putty helps to sustain the life of paint at home:

  • Fills Surface Imperfections: Wall putty fills in surface imperfections such as cracks, dents, and holes in the wall. This ensures that the paint adheres evenly to the wall surface and prevents flaking, chipping, or peeling of the paint over time.
  •   Reduces Water Seepage: Wall putty contains water-resistant properties that reduce water seepage through the walls. This helps to prevent the growth of fungus, mold, and other forms of water damage that can cause paint to deteriorate.
  •  Improves Paint Adhesion: Wall putty provides an excellent base for paint adhesion. It creates a smooth, even surface that helps paint adhere more firmly to the wall. This ensures that the paint lasts longer and maintains its color and texture for an extended period.
  • Resists Stains: Wall putty contains stain-resistant properties that help to prevent stains caused by moisture, dirt, and other contaminants. This ensures that the paint remains fresh and clean, which extends its lifespan.
  • Enhances Wall Durability: Wall putty improves the durability of the wall surface by protecting it from wear and tear. This ensures that the paint lasts longer and maintains its appearance and integrity over time.


Tips for using wall putty to sustain the life of paint on your home:

  1. Proper surface preparation: Clean the surface thoroughly and remove any dirt, dust, or debris.
  2. Choose the right putty: Select a wall putty that is suitable for the type of surface you're working on and the paint you'll be using.
  3. Apply putty evenly: Apply the wall putty evenly and in thin layers, allowing each layer to dry completely before applying the next.
  4. Sand the surface: Sand the surface gently after the putty has dried completely, to ensure a smooth and even surface.
  5. Paint: Apply paint after sanding the surface, following the manufacturer's instructions.

By following these steps, wall putty can help you create a durable and long-lasting paint finish on your home.


Why do we need to apply putty? How does it sustain the life of the painting?

Wall putty plays a very important role in beautifying your walls. It helps in bringing out the true topcoat colour, making your walls look brighter. Furthermore, it helps in filling up dents, cracks, and smoothening out the bumps caused by grey cement or plaster. It also resists dampness and flaking of walls.

Wall Putty comes in acrylic and white cement-based. White cement-based wall putty ensures a strong binding with building surfaces, a smooth finish, extensive coverage, superior refractive index, and paint-friendliness. Its unique formula has polymers, which keep the moisture away and avoid flaking.


The white cement based putty does not not require any primer before painting, and the smooth and glossy finish highlights the exact tone and color of the paints. It allows you to save on both time and cost of getting a re-putty or later re-paint on the walls after the monsoon.

The process of applying putty, however, is very important. The application process will determine how effective the putty will be with respect to all the benefits discussed above. One such essential part of the process is that of getting the putty mix ready to be applied to the walls.

Preparing the Wall Putty mix

Even before you start preparing your putty mix, do ensure that the wall is pre-wetted and is free of any dust, grease, or other materials.

The next step is to prepare the putty mix. To prepare a homogenous paste with your putty mix, you need to

  1. Ensure that the water is poured into the putty mix and not the other way round.
  2. Mix the putty by slowly adding water to it.
  3. Wall Putty requires around 36-38% of clean water to make the perfect putty paste.
  4. It should be thoroughly mixed for at least 10-15 minutes until a uniform paste is formed.
  5. To get this uniform paste, you can use a mechanical mixer. This will help the paste be free of any lumps.
  6. Remember to only prepare a quantity that can be used up in 2-3 hours.


Now, your putty mix is ready to be applied to any exterior or interior wall of the house!


By following these steps, you can prepare wall putty that provides a strong and durable base for the top-coat paint. The wall putty creates a smooth surface that improves paint adhesion and reduces surface imperfections. This helps to prevent the top coat paint from flaking, chipping, or peeling, ensuring that it sustains for a longer period of time.

In addition to preparing wall putty correctly, it is also essential to use high-quality materials and follow proper painting techniques to ensure that the top coat paint lasts for an extended period. Proper surface preparation, including cleaning, sanding, and priming the surface before applying the top coat paint, can also help to extend its lifespan. By taking these steps, you can achieve a beautiful and long-lasting painted wall surface that enhances the aesthetics of your home.

It is also entirely eco-friendly, requiring minimal water consumption. Excellent white cement does not require water curing, and it can be applied on freshly plastered walls. Wall Putty is the best choice to bring out the best wall paints in your home. 

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