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Painting Your Feelings

Painting Your Feelings

It's great to be able to express oneself via art, whether it's a landscape, a portrait, or something more abstract; the problem is, it's not always easy to figure out where to begin! Many paths may be taken, each beginning with a blank page—and, often, an empty mirror. This is a handbook on painting your emotions, written by someone who only paints their own;

Idea Generation

Finding inspiration is simpler when your thoughts are meandering than when your brain is overworked trying to fill a blank page. The simple act of walking or glancing out a window (particularly when on public transportation) might help you come in touch with your true emotions. Imagine your ideas and feelings manifested in the real world. What kind of mental pictures and hues do you see? Take advantage of the opportunity and let your imagination run wild; this is your moment.

Sketching Out Ideas

You don't have to do this, but I find it rewarding to organize my ideas and come up with a structure before I start drawing or painting. You may use whatever media you choose for the drawing (but I like the irreversibility of the pen since it makes me more committed to my faults). Don't be shy about using words or even diagrams to convey your ideas. This is how you discover what has to be emphasized or added or what you drew by accident but now like.


Don't be fooled by the article's title; paintings are only one medium among several that qualify as "art." Choose a painting style and medium that you like, that you can work with passionately, and that you actually adore rather than based on what "looks best" or your painting style. In awe of the joy of the nitty-gritty? Be sure to include the smallest of details. Like spontaneous, lush brushstrokes? I say, "Why not?" and "Join the group!" 

You also need the best watercolors to paint your ideas. To get the best watercolors, go to Art Supplies Dubai to get the best Art accessories. You may try out many approaches until you settle on one that you take pleasure in developing further, and then keep at it until you get the desired result. My philosophy is that you don't have to immediately fall in love with your artwork, but as you continue to make it, it will become more "you" (not "better"), and you will begin to appreciate it for what it is.

Just remember that the most important thing is to connect with yourself and have fun with the process; if your work ever resonates with someone else, then you know you've done something special. 

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