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Sauvignon Blanc – What is it? How is it Made?

Bottle Barn
Sauvignon Blanc – What is it? How is it Made?

It is an undeniable fact that whenever you want to buy white wine online, you see an abundance of varieties, all of which bring something unique to the palate. Sauvignon Blanc is one of the most popular types of white wine in California, but it originates from the Bordeaux region of France but has great success outside of France in relatively cool regions like Marlborough, New Zealand, which is its second home.

It is a green-skinned small and round grape that has a high acidity level. Despite its origin, Sauvignon Blanc remains one of the most distinct varietals today. This grape's yield typically results in a dry, fruity wine. If you want to buy white wine which is refreshing, this would be a good choice.

On an international level, winemakers strive to create a specific type of white wine from Sauvignon Blanc- dry, crisp, and full of minerality. Although this is the usual goal, if you want to buy dessert wine online, go for Sauternes and Balsac, they have exceptional quality from late harvest Sauvignon Blanc.

Unlocking the enigma that is Sauvignon Blanc wine, it is not only recognized for its established place as a famous dry white but offers more than what meets the eye. Examining its roots, flavor, and manner of production, we will dive into the story of this.

It is available at most wine stores. You can also buy wine online from a variety of websites.

How is it made?

After collecting the grapes, they are crushed and poured into a vat. Following that, the grape bunches are compressed directly in a press. Sauvignon Blanc wine, like other types of wines, must go through a pressing and fermentation process, which requires the action of yeasts at low temperatures and normally takes approximately 10 days. Furthermore, oak aging, lees stirring, and malolactic fermentation are used to make Sauvignon Blanc wines that are balanced, flavorful, and full-bodied.

Sauvignon Blanc is one of the more renowned white wine varietals on its own which is obvious when you want to buy white wine by always being at top sellers, but it also makes an excellent blend when combined with Semillon and Muscadelle. This trio creates the famed White Bordeaux, both dry and sweet iterations are always available if you want to buy white wine.

History of Sauvignon Blanc

The history of Sauvignon Blanc can be traced back to the Loire Valley in the 16th century. Keep in mind that, today if you want to buy white wine online from Loire Valley, it may be from different grapes. Its ancestry can be credited to Savagnin grapes, and the grape itself is a symbol of wildness with the French word "Sauvage" meaning wild, and "vigne" meaning vine. This varietal stands out with its unique, wild leaf shape. Although a white wine, its combination with Cabernet Franc led to the invention of the popular Cabernet Sauvignon.

The Sauvignon Blanc grape variety is originally from France, but it has been adopted in several other Old World wine regions, including Italy, Austria, and Hungary. The variety was brought to California in the late 1800s, first planted in vineyards from Château d’Yquem, which is the most expensive wine on wine online stores. Although its quality was initially inconsistent, the grape is currently gaining attention and excitement in most white wine California stores.

Characteristics of Sauvignon Blanc

The characteristics of Sauvignon Blanc wines can vary widely. Much of that variation is dependent on choices made by the winemaker but at the end of the day, Sauvignon Blanc awakens the senses with its bright aromas and crisp, herbaceous flavors.

The level of maturation affects the complexity of the wines, and when combined with oak aging, can open up a range of possibilities. Pouilly-Fumé, Loire, or the USA's Fumé Blanc in the wine California stores are the names for the oak used in Sauvignon Blanc wines. However, over-ripening will reduce the wine's aroma, resulting in a more robust and spicier flavor.

Typically, Sauvignon Blanc wines do not improve with age, that’s why you need to give attention to the vintage whenever you buy wine online. However, when these wines have perfect quality and balance, the result is an unexpected delight as their primary qualities marry together over time.

Sauvignon Blanc Tasting Notes

The widely cultivated Sauvignon Blanc grape reveals a world of flavor possibilities, as varying climates shape its unique taste profile and distinct aromas are revealed when harvested at different times.

On average, Sauvignon Blanc features ABV values of between 12.5-14%. Its distinct character differs by its climate, resulting in a crisp, dry beverage. In colder regions, one may detect grassy, citrus, and green apple flavors, whereas those in warmer climes such as white wine California types are likely to have tropical fruits and light floral fragrances.

Sauternes, a renowned dessert wine from France's Sauternes region, is produced from three grape varieties, including Sauvignon Blanc. Its uniqueness is attributed to the effect of a fungus on the grapes, also called noble rot. There is a bunch of noble rot-affected grapes in wine online stores, but not all of them are from Sauvignon Blanc.

After all, unwinding with a glass of wine is always a good idea. If you're looking for a delicious Sauvignon Blanc to enjoy, whether you're having a romantic dinner or a fun night, Sauvignon Blanc is a perfect choice. So, what are you waiting for? Buy white wine online or head to your local wine store for white wine.

If you are interested in discovering more information regarding wine and winemaking, we advise you to explore our other available wine articles online.

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