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First Time Manager

First Time Manager

For first time managers, making the transition and learning how to lead well takes time, patience, and practice. New managers might feel overwhelmed but it all depends on how you approach it. Adopt a growth mindset and build a rapport with your team. Look for some quick wins and master the art of managing up!

Strengthscape is a global consulting company with a focus on PEOPLE and their impact on business. People are the assets that, when developed, strengthen organizations, and generate business success. We enable organizations to upgrade talent management practices, build organizational capability, enable change management, and imbibe a winning culture.

We offer personalized training and coaching services related to behavioral, functional, and technical skills; undertake projects related to strategic planning, competency mapping, leadership development, diversity & inclusion, and a multitude of areas related to organization development.

Strengthscape unites business acumen and instructional design to create innovative, bespoke solutions that deliver transformational growth for both organizations and employees.

Strengthscape’s brand identity represents our focus on innovation for customers through the aperture of learning, within a circle that is seamless and continuous. The gradation and swirls of color invite closer inspection and represent the diversity of thought and ideas we bring to the table. The tailor’s chalk in the center is representative of the innovative and bespoke solutions that we offer, making the customer journey, unique and individualized.

Zupyak is the world’s largest content marketing community, with over 400 000 members and 3 million articles. Explore and get your content discovered.
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