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Swaraj 855 Price in India - Tractorgyan

Swaraj 855 Price in India - Tractorgyan

Swaraj 855 Price in India - Tractorgyan

Swaraj 855 is one of the most popular tractors in India. It is a high-performance tractor that comes with a great price tag. The Swaraj 855 price in India is one of the most economical tractors in the market. It is a perfect choice for farmers who are looking for an affordable and reliable tractor.

Swaraj 855 Tractor Specifications

The Swaraj 855 tractor has an engine power of 45 HP. It comes with an 1800 RPM engine that is capable of producing a maximum torque of 220 Nm. The tractor is equipped with a dual-clutch system that provides smooth and efficient operation. It has 3 cylinders and a 3-point linkage system. The tractor also comes with a power steering system that makes it easy to maneuver the tractor.

Swaraj 855 Tractor Review

The Swaraj 855 tractor is a great choice for farmers who are looking for an efficient and reliable tractor. The tractor has a powerful engine that provides excellent performance. The tractor also comes with a great price tag, making it an affordable option for farmers. The tractor also comes with a power steering system that makes it easy to maneuver the tractor.

The Swaraj 855 tractor is a great choice for farmers who are looking for an affordable and reliable tractor. The tractor has a strong engine that provides great performance and is equipped with a dual-clutch system that makes it easy to operate. The tractor also comes with a power steering system that makes it easy to maneuver the tractor. Overall, the Swaraj 855 is a great choice for farmers who are looking for an affordable and reliable tractor.

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