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Targeted Therapy Effectively Stops The Growth Of Cancer Cells And Boosts The Immune System

sachin sadgir
Targeted Therapy Effectively Stops The Growth Of Cancer Cells And Boosts The Immune System

With Targeted Therapy, specific cancer cell subtypes can be precisely identified and combated with medicines or other substances. Whether used alone or in conjunction with other therapies like conventional or traditional chemotherapy, surgery, or radiation therapy, a targeted therapy can be effective. A form of cancer treatment known as targeted therapy goes after the proteins that regulate how cancer cells proliferate, divide, and disseminate. It serves as the basis for precision medicine.

Researchers are better able to develop cancer treatments that target these proteins as they gain knowledge about the DNA alterations and proteins that fuel cancer. Targeted Therapy comes in a variety of forms. Small-molecule medications and monoclonal antibodies are the two most prevalent categories. antigens that are monoclonal. Monoclonal antibodies are medications that stop a particular target on the surface of cancer cells.

Another benefit of Targeted Therapy is that it can be used in combination with other cancer treatments, such as chemotherapy and radiation therapy. By combining different types of treatments, doctors can effectively attack cancer cells from multiple angles, increasing the chances of success.


However, targeted therapy is not without its drawbacks. One of the main challenges of targeted therapy is the development of drug resistance. Because cancer cells are constantly evolving and adapting, they can develop mechanisms to resist targeted therapy drugs. This can lead to treatment failure and the need for alternative treatments.

Read More @ https://cmibloginsight.blogspot.com/2023/03/targeted-therapy-that-works-by.html

sachin sadgir
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