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Understand the Salish root by our online Salish Dictionary

Tachini Pete
Understand the Salish root by our online Salish Dictionary


Our Salish Dictionary will keep you up-to-date, reliable, and easy to use. We offer a wide variety of Salish dictionaries for sale at our online store. This is our most comprehensive Salish Dictionary ever available after 11 years of research and documentation, Tachini Pete has published a memo and his thoughts on the Salish language. This dictionary is dedicated to all elders, past and present. Through their hard work and love of the Salish language we are able to present their language. Much of this output comes from audio and video recordings of elders. 

Languages ​​evolve and change over time like river mud. It is possible to reconstruct their past by comparing modern languages ​​and determining what characteristics ancestral languages ​​had to have in order for later stage improvements to take place. A group of languages ​​derived from a common ancestor is called a "language family". A language that has no living or non-living contact with other languages ​​is called a "linguistic isolation". A language without fixed relationships is chaotic, and that is the Salish language. 

Salishan languages, which are a family of about 23 North American Indian languages, are spoken or were formerly spoken in the Pacific Northwest and adjoining areas of Idaho, southern British Columbia, and Montana. Today, a remarkable fact is that Salishan languages are spoken almost exclusively by older adults and are known for their elaborate consonant inventories and small number of vowels.

A large number of records exist for many languages, and many students actively explore all aspects of the language. Apart from the primary documentation and the production of grammars, dictionaries and texts, much of the theory-based evaluation of the Salish language has been completed. Fortunately, most tribes and bands have positive intentions and have some programs and plans to preserve their language. Salish dictionaries on the Internet are an attempt to show appreciation for their intentions. 

Our Salish Dictionary contains many different kinds of information about words and their meanings, including pronunciation guides and usage examples. Many of the entries contain synonyms and antonyms as well. Each entry includes a short definition, pronunciation guide (if applicable), example sentence with its pronunciation guide and example usage of that word or phrase. You can learn more than 5000 words from it.

There is also a link to related words or phrases on the same page if they are mentioned elsewhere in the dictionary entry. You can search by any word or phrase from the English language and get immediate results—no more having to wade through pages of content just to find what you're looking for.

We understand all these experiences and respect the old heritage, so we feel an urge to develop the online Salish dictionary. If you want to know more you can visit our website.

Tachini Pete
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