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100% Natural and Healthy Black Tea At Lowest Price on kamilia tea

100% Natural and Healthy Black Tea At Lowest Price on kamilia tea

The classic, powerful, well-rounded black tea is inspired by the King of the Jungle. Like the iconic lion, the black tea is strong in every sense of the word. If you are looking to substitute your coffee for something lower in caffeine, the black tea does the job: it perks you up when work wears you down without giving you the coffee jitters!

Taste Notes:

Its oxidised leaves carry a sweet aroma and rich taste that lingers on your palate without overwhelming your taste buds.

Ingredients: Kenyan Black Tea Leaves

Caffeine Level: High

Steeping Instructions:


Use 1 teaspoon of tea leaves per 150ml of water.


Heat water to 90֯ C


Steep for 4 mins.


Serve and enjoy!

* Re-steep for 8 mins for a second cup.

Drink it as it is, add milk for a creamier flavour, or ice it up with lemon slices and make delicious fruit tea out of it!

100% Naturally grown in Kenya.

Vegan and gluten-free.

No artificial colours or flavours.

No pesticides have been used on our loose leaf teas.


Health benefits: Maintains a healthy heart, improves metabolism, promotes a healthy gut.

Black tea (also literally translated as red tea from various East Asian languages), is a type of tea that is more oxidized than oolong, yellow, white and green teas. Black tea is generally stronger in flavour than other teas. All five types are made from leaves of the shrub (or small tree) Camellia sinensis, though Camellia taliensis is also used rarely.[2][3][4]

Two principal varieties of the species are used – the small-leaved Chinese variety plant (C. sinensis var. sinensis), used for most other types of teas, and the large-leaved Assamese plant (C. sinensis var. assamica), which was traditionally mainly used for black tea, although in recent years some green and white teas have been produced.

First originating in China, the beverage's name there is hong cha (Chinese: 紅茶, "red tea") due to the color of the oxidized leaves when processed appropriately.[1] Today, the drink is widespread throughout East and Southeast Asia, both in consumption and harvesting, including in China, Japan, Korea and Singapore.[5] Similar variants are also available in South Asian countries.

While green tea usually loses its flavour within a year, black tea retains its flavour for several years. For this reason, it has long been an article of trade, and compressed bricks of black tea even served as a form of de facto currency in Mongolia, Tibet and Siberia well into the 19th century.[6]

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