Sometimes, it is very difficult to catch upon the fast based life we usually live in..sometimes, we tend to get some situation we can get clumsy..on certain days, we tend to get forgetful and totally blank out on important stuff..sometimes we trip, fall over and just become non responsive.
Just because of the simple notion that we are humans..we are not perfect..we tend to make mistakes..we even create blunders, but the important thing is that we should not beat ourselves for the mistakes we make..instead, we should acknowledge them, laugh at them and learn from them.
Amusingly, you never seem to recall while you’re still in the room and as soon as you step out, you start to gather the reason and then, you grow too lazy to go back.
(Yes, this happens way too often)Taking care of a thing way too much: It is usually a habit of human beings to create a special place in their homes for things that are really important documents, degrees, precious jewelry, money,etc..but doesn’t happen all the time that you keep your precious things in such a preservative manner that even you forget the place.
(I know, that’s funny) Later, when you require the thing you have stored so meticulously, you will find your whole house-left,right and centre..but you will still not find it.
But then, your mom/dad/partner/kid will stomp a drawer or a closet and find the thing you’ve been finding since hours(which feels like eternity,really) the end of it, you will be titled as careless and forgetful..whereas you truly are just careful.