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Ilmenite Often Found Associated With Other Minerals, Such As Magnetite, Rutile

sachin sadgir
Ilmenite Often Found Associated With Other Minerals, Such As Magnetite, Rutile

Ilmenite is a mineral that is mainly composed of iron, titanium, and oxygen. It is a naturally occurring mineral that is found in many parts of the world, including Australia, Canada, India, Norway, South Africa, and the United States. Ilmenite is a black or dark gray mineral that has a metallic luster and a slightly magnetic property. It is used in a wide range of industrial applications, including the production of titanium dioxide, which is used in the manufacture of white pigments, and in the production of titanium metal, which is used in aerospace applications. Ilmenite was first discovered in the 18th century by the German mineralogist Gustav Rose. The mineral was named after the Ilmen Mountains in Russia, where it was first discovered. Ilmenite is often found associated with other minerals, such as magnetite, rutile, and zircon.

Ilmenite is also used as a feedstock for the production of synthetic rutile, which is a high-purity form of titanium dioxide that is used in the production of welding rods, pigments, and other specialty applications. Synthetic rutile can be produced by reducing ilmenite with coal or other carbonaceous materials and then treating the resulting material with acid to remove impurities.


Ilmenite is also used as a source of iron in the production of steel. Iron is extracted from ilmenite by a process called the Becher process, which involves the reduction of ilmenite with coke and then leaching the resulting material with hydrochloric acid.

Read More @ https://cmiblogpost.weebly.com/article/ilmenite-used-as-a-source-of-iron-in-the-production-of-steel-and-other-metal

sachin sadgir
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