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How to Buy a Water Cooler for Your Office?

Smarter Water
How to Buy a Water Cooler for Your Office?

Drinking at least 6 to 8 glasses of water every day is critical for maintaining good health. As we spend a considerable amount of time at our workplace, it’s important to have a water cooler that will provide fresh drinking water. Nowadays, multiple variants of water coolers are available in the market. Therefore, choosing the most suitable one for your office can be confusing. To make it simpler, we have shared some practical tips.


1. Decide your budget- The money that you will be spending on the cooler is the most important factor. While plumbed-in water coolers can require a more upfront investment, in the long run, they can be more cost-effective than refillable water coolers.


2. Storage capacity- Your water cooler should provide sufficient drinking water every day. Therefore, if there is a large workforce, you should look for a plumbed-in floor-standing cooler or other options that will provide an endless supply of water. Similarly, for a smaller office, a bubblers & under sink water cooler can be a good option.


3. Check the functionality- Modern-age water coolers come with numerous advanced features, such as hot and cold water dispensers, touchless sensors, and instant boiling water taps. Moreover, many environment-friendly coolers use CFC-free refrigeration. Plus, there are energy-efficient models providing excellent cooling quickly. You should look for a product that provides all the requisite features.


Shopping online for water coolers in Australia, you can find numerous water coolers in different sizes, models, functionality, and water usage. The above-mentioned tips will help you choose the perfect water cooler for your office. Some companies like Smarter Water also offer

customized products that suit your office space’s unique requirements. On a final note, we suggest you to find out about the care and maintenance that a particular unit will require.


For More Information:

Plumbed In Floor Standing 

Plumbed In Bench Units 

Plumbed In Water Coolers 

Bubblers and Under Sink Coolers


Source URL: https://medium.com/@smarterwater01/how-to-buy-a-water-cooler-for-your-office-94fa771f5b67

Smarter Water
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