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Homebuyers wait for the further decline in selling prices

Homebuyers wait for the further decline in selling prices

Property buyers wait and watch for further drop in prices

Despite the 30% decline in housing prices in March, buyers are still holding back, anticipating further decreases. In the first quarter of this year, demand for all types of properties - apartments, land, townhouses, and villas - dropped by 50-90%, despite falling prices.

According to a survey by Mogin Holdings, an investment consulting company, people are reluctant to borrow due to high credit interest rates. CEO Luong Dinh Thuy Van stated that during a correction cycle, it's challenging to determine the bottom, which increases the desire to wait for prices to decrease even further before purchasing.

Tran Khanh Quang, the general director of real estate investment firm Viet An Hoa, said that the real estate market is experiencing its most significant slump in five years, with an average drop of 25-30% and up to 30-50% in some remote suburban areas in the south. He added that a slowdown in the downtrend might indicate that the market is nearing its bottom, but both developers and buyers are still cautious.

Meanwhile, Nguyen Loc Hanh, the general director of Ngoc Chau A, a property developer, said that potential buyers continue to hold back, and this trend may continue in the second quarter. The fear created by developers who are unable to repay their loans or have gone bankrupt has also affected the market.

Hanh advised potential buyers to consider global factors since events in one country can significantly affect others in an interconnected world. Due to limited resources, investors may hesitate for an extended period.


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